The Higher meanings that can be gleaned from Video Games

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The Higher meanings that can be gleaned from Video Games
w/ Justin Carpenter
Sunday 7th May - 2pm PST/10pm GMT

God is with us in every moment, and if we have that as our knowing, life takes on so much more meaning

Justin writes:

We've seen how movies and shows can have truth on display, and powerful messages within. But what sort of higher meaning can we glean from video games? Harry the Soul Coach and I will discuss the powerful truth displayed in even this form of media. We'll discuss all these iterations of the hero's journey and the parallels with life itself. This experience ultimately is a game that we're playing... A game that we should play very seriously, but also not forget that we're playing. And advancing in the game gives us more of the game to play with! This concept is replicated in countless examples of video games where you advance in levels after overcoming challenges - perfectly mirroring life in so many ways.

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