EP45 | "Ali Adams - Justice For Hazel Pt 3: Traff-icked Through Family Court to a Ped-ophile Abuser"

1 year ago

Ali Adams is back for the 3rd time to continue the harrowing and horrific story about how her daughter, Hazel, was traff-icked to a pedo-phile abuser 3 years ago through corrupt Family Court. If you've listened to Ali's previous 2 episodes, you understand how important, complex and mind-bending every detail of this story is to the big picture (and if you haven't listened - check out the first two episodes in the link below!). It has been over 3 years since darling Hazel was ripped from her mother's care and custody and Ali bravely stands before you today to breakdown the chronology of the events that took place that led to Hazel's traff-icking as well as the investigative work she's been forced to do behind the scenes to piece together the massive web of deception she was thrown into.

Ali's voice is important. She is a voice for Hazel and for the unheard and the silenced - the other mother's and children going through the same thing that aren't able to disclose publicly. Stories like Ali's are not uncommon and her courage to be a voice for so many is both heart-breaking and inspiring all at once. What I do know is that Hazel is blessed beyond measure to have a mother who never gives up and who continues to fight - day after day - for Hazel's freedom and sovereignty from the horrific abuse she's had to endure since birth. Ali is a truth teller, hero, and someone we all have a lot to learn from. Please take the time to listen to her full story - I've learned so much from her that I didn't know before and I hope you, Dear Listeners, take it upon yourselves to share and educate yourself and others on Ali's story. Because the truth is that this could happen to anyone at anytime and this knowledge could be the difference that makes all the difference in possible prevention or early detection of corruption and/or abuse. ​

To see the first 2 episodes of Ali's Playlist, click here:

Instagram: @justice.for.hazel -
Linktree: @sobercab - https://linktr.ee/Sobercab

All links here: https://direct.me/theimaginationpodcast

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