India: 2 Muslim terrorists Kill Hindu man (Kanhaiyalal , Udaipur) Banned on YT!

1 year ago

#JusticeForKanhaiyalal #IstandWithNupurSharma #islam #Hinduism
"Udaipur: Two held after tailor killed ‘for social media post backing Nupur Sharma’; city tense"

In the projected scenario, as of 2020 about 15% of Indians are Muslim (vs. 14.2% in the 2011 census),
79% are Hindu (vs. 79.8% in 2011), and 2% are Christian (in line with 2011).
In 2050, Hindus are projected to represent about 77% of Indians,
Muslims 18% and Christians still 2%. Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains all have fertility rates well below the national
average and are therefore projected to shrink as a share of the population.
And among them are those who abuse the Prophet and say, "He is an ear."1 Say, "[It is] an ear of goodness for you that believes in Allāh and believes the believers and [is] a mercy to those who believe among you." And those who abuse the Messenger of Allāh - for them is a painful punishment.
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."1
Whoever hears the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) being insulted and does not feel any protective jealousy or get angry is not a true believer – we seek refuge with Allaah from humility, kufr and obeying the Shaytaan.
14 Jan 2015 — A huge police operation in France has brought to an end a series of terror attacks in and around Paris. Here is what we know about what

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