Man Or Beast? British "Cognitive Warfare On Humanity" Or an International Harmony of Interests?

1 year ago

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#worldwar3 #nato #ukraine #larouche

Join guests Gretchen Small and Dr. Clifford Kiracofe

Today’s Manhattan Project meeting may shock you, not only with the truth of how close the world is to thermonuclear extinction, but with how important your individual action to stop the present “Ukraine descent into total war” may be. In fact, given this week’s lunatic drone attack on Russia from “Ukraine and friends,” your individual action, joined with others, could be the most crucial factor in changing the response, including even the military response, of several governments to this new circumstance of war-escalation, even in the next days.

It is not true that the lunatic fringe of “the deep state,” as it is mistakenly called, has greater power than a united and informed citizenry. The so-called “deep state” has been known, exposed and fought by The LaRouche Organization for the past 40, years, particularly after the March, 1983 adoption of the Strategic Defense Initiative of Lyndon LaRouche by President Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s adoption of LaRouche’s policy was proof that the “deep state,” shallow-minded “men without a country“ could be out-thought, and therefore out-organized. Larouche and his movement espoused not only the method, but the optimism that informed the knowledge that all things are intelligible so long as you are uncompromising in the search for truth, no matter who it offends. That is the “declaration of intellectual independence” that each American citizen must make if they are to take back their government from the usurper-morons that presently administrate, but do not understand it.

The insane drive to carve up Russia, and the vain drive to prop up a hopelessly bankrupt financial non-system, can be derailed by the uncompromising and earned optimism of an aroused, fighting and independent American people, with whom the nations of the world would be relieved, happy and proud to collaborate.

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