New Economy. How Does It Work? | I'm IN | Episode 5

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💬 "It is time for you to enjoy your life. It is time for you to stop working to the bone, where you have to work two, three jobs and look at another way in the Creative Society", says Julia Dudley Najieb, co-host of the fascinating show "I'm IN," in which her husband, Lennice Jabari Najieb Muhammad, and she continue to discuss the Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out," namely the topic of the new economic model that was developed and proposed by experts from around the world.

Topics of today's broadcast:
🔹 Voskhod MPC. Transparency and control of financial flows of society
🔹 New currency. Why is it important for the new currency to be digital?
🔹 Limitation of wealth. What will happen to excess funds?
🔹 New opportunities for entrepreneurs. Interest-free loans, no taxes for small and medium-sized businesses

Dear friends, now it is very important to keep on the wave of informing and to spread the Forum among your friends and acquaintances, and in all social networks. Share the link to the event. Together, let's make people aware of the incredible perspectives and opportunities that the implementation of the Creative Society opens up for us.

Now the future of humanity is in the hands of each and every one of us!

🌍 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. There Is a Way Out" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages:

➡️ The Forum in English:

➡️ 8 Pillars of the Creative Society:

➡️ Video "Climate Cerberus":

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#CreativeSociety #GlobalCrisis #SurvivalInUnity #WayOut #Unity

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