RAW footage SGT. Butcher kidnaps eylon @ April's fools day, #PrinceAlbertSK #PrinceAlbertSaskatchewan

1 year ago

Thanks God, these wanna-be-Nazi adolescents, men and women that acts as AGENT of a Crown municipal police service at the city of Prince Albert, north Saskatchewan, forgot to empty my phone trash, so I could retrieve the video's they deleted.
The last 13 seconds were chopped quite strangely cut into a different file when all was retrieved.


How the kidnap started.
After 1.5 years of fighting fraudulent charges laid by the Crown prosecutor, while not using the legal system but the lawful/common law way (see previous post on this subject,)
The Dis-Honourable Judge M. M. Baniak issued a Bench warrant as he did not let me inside the court room, as I exercise my right (not his/Gov employee) to film as media does.
The footage shows few seconds from my violent illegal arrest, after going to the Prince Albert police station and talking with 3 police station for an hour and a half, while the police station doors were closed.
I explained to the man that acts as a Crown police officer Butcher that I want them to take me to a judge per Saskatchewan Bill of Rights (1953) which clearly states that in case of arbitrary imprisonment I am entitled to see a judge immediately, and the judge can decide on the case.
Officer Butcher, went back into the police station after talking with me, just to plan his attack on me with his friends.
I was placed in an illegal and unlawful arrest for 14 days, seeing 4 judges for this crimes by Saskatchewan gov..
They held m, also some torture and isolation in 2 COVID wards for 10 days (LOL), with NO CHARGE.
The judges did not care they break their own corporate rules (they do not have laws, but rules).
As always, nobody cared about my quest to stop evil and my call (on Telegram channel https://t.me/CPSK2 ) a night before the concluding court appearing, fell on death ears.

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