1 year ago

Folks, as I already shared with you my concern about something very big, and profoundly destructive that would be coming in by the end this year 2023 to 2025. As the system of government violent authority around the world has been stepping up very fast with their plan (i.e digital ID, CBDC), their divisive red-herrings and distractions have been intensifying and working so well that not only the MSM but also most of the alternative media have been parroting and disseminating these disinformation.

People have been pitted to hate and fight one another. Red, blue, left, right, mental genderism abcxyz while fearing “nuclear war3.”

The “war” with Russia and China has been being played and hyped up at the brutally and cruelly ridiculous level to accelerate their Plan of total slavery by pitting peoples against one another, and also as the pretext to destroy food/energy supply globally, and to introduce “legal” restrictions on freedoms and criminalizing any dissent at every level domestically. The total surveillance and complete control of human activities (physically and digitally) have almost been completed! They did not even hide it at all. Am I cynical and hyperbolic?

Folks, I have to warn you again: There is something very very profoundly destructive coming. I don’t know exactly what it is, but absolutely NOT the Nuke War3. And the principal perpetrators are your own people, your own governments.

Has the brutal Covid19 crimedemic taught us anything at all, I just wonder?

Anyway, I do need to take a break to meditate and reflect on this dire reality that each of us has to deal with sooner rather than later.

Remember, you cannot understand and fathom their Plan base on your own normal mindset, rationale, and moral rationality. These power driven individuals, they are not normal human beings. They are psychopathic evils who will commit everything and do anything to achieve their goals. Truth is stranger than fiction. That’s why and how THEY have won and keep wining because the vast majority of people regardless of level of education and experience have been indoctrinated to “think” and “analyze” within the indoctrinated “normalcy” with the “safeguard” of cognitive dissonance! e.g our government would never harm its people let alone mass murdering its own people! Despite the fact of horrible democide throughout human history and even right at this moment!

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists.” These words are from the very horse mouth of the monstrous criminal J. E.Hoover himself!

All of us have to look straight to the reality and face such enemy within! We only live once and will die no matter what. It’s how to live matters the most!

Get ready and be prepared!

I always wish I am wrong. And indeed I will be very happy to be wrong, folks!
You only live once and will die anyway. It’s your life, so it’s your conclusion, your decision, folks!

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