Noita Regular Gameplay Part 1 - Visited the Orb Room again and escaped the boss there

1 year ago

Perks taken:
Permanent Shield

0:00 Start
Starting Spells:
Bouncing Spark Bot and Magic Missile.

0:23 Mines
Actually found some wands early in this run. I complained enough I guess XD.

13:25 Visited the Orb Room
Wanted to see if the spell would be different and it was. Gave me max health this time. Picked it up and ran for it.

14:20 Holy Mountain
Entered with $862. Didn't need to reroll so bought a wand with digging bolt in case I needed to dig.

15:44 Coal Pits
17:28 Burst of Air
Comparing spells to fight with. Used this spell for a while.

27:11 Concentrated Light
Switched over to this spell as my main weapon

30:19 Decision to end
Going to think over what to do next. Farm more or keep going to the next stage.

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