The Predictions of William Branham - The Woman (Christian Church)

1 year ago

I can understand the shock and awe of those of the Christian Religion. To think that so many have been deceived and do the opposite of the "Will of God".

The amount of money they have donated, the number of hours in services, the outreach projects personal and otherwise. The tolerance of many vulgar words concerning their savior. Of course more I sure could be added from their perspective. But you see that is the point their perspective which is by default incorrect.

Would it shock you that in the last days the number of true believers who keep the commandments of God and faith in the Messiah dwindles drastically. Thus the focus back upon Israel who are bound genetically. Something they can't escape even they wanted to. The Most High will be about the protection of the mother of his son. Thus because of that alone the focus will be about the getting rid of the Israelites chased around the earth.

Unfortunately most so called Christians really haven't historically checked the depths of depravity demonstrated by the Christian Church. Or you have others who have discovered the historical atrocities committed by the Christian church and faith. Even worse the knowingly brutal acts done to the already known children of Abraham (Israelites).

It is historically correct they knew and did not care that they were and are the people of the Most High God. Yet just like clock work they continue to support causes for the imposter Jews (Khazars).

Often using those who bless abraham and those who curse abraham. But Christianity has been doing that for centuries cursing abraham in cursing his children.

The Khazars were a semi-nomadic Turkic people who established a major commercial empire in the late 6th century CE. They were originally located in the northern Caucasus region and were part of the western Turkic empire (in Turkistan). They fought for land that was ultimately overtaken by Southern Russia and Ukraine.1 Despite their decline in population and territorial defeat, the Khazars continued to be mentioned throughout history—especially as one of the first groups to adopt Judaism.

Study more about them and you will discover that they are the now inhabitants of Israel the Israeli State granted in cover due to the Holocaust.

On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the State of Israel in Tel Tel Aviv, establishing the first Jewish state in 2,000 years.0 This was largely due to reparations given by West Germany to Israel and the continuation of trade between the two countries.

All of this write in plain sight in front of Christian so called prophets endorse by the Christian Church and still is today 2023. Yet where is the repentance? Harlots don't confess nor repent, not their nature. Their kick is to bring you into her world. I personally haven't been to a gentlemen's club but I have gone to Christian churches of various denominations. I mine as well went to the gentlemen's club.

You see in the book of Revelation the Mother of Harlots Mystery Babylon being a mystery to its followers. She, Mystery Babylon is an upscale Harlot type. Kings are swayed into her ways for that is the company she keeps.

Mis spoken:
I meant to say Egypt but said Israel.

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