Jamie Fox Health Conditions | Check Description

1 year ago

..it's been said that Jamie Foxx's health condition is worsening as his closest friends ask the public to keep him lifted in prayer. I really hope he gets well soon..

The timing of the Jamie Foxx stroke is very interesting. With him being a witness in this case which could implicate Obama for taking CCP money, makes you wonder if he did indeed suffered a stroke

What's really going on behind the scenes?

We strengthen our intuition from constantly discerning & listen to our gut without letting your cognitive fearful mind lead you to believe you’re “crazy”.

Well as I was watching the video in our last post about “Hollywood being on trial” and when they said Jamie Fox was involved his healthy issues popped into my head. Then my gut started to ask I wonder if the two are connected. Then oddly enough I came across this.

Learn to listen to that gut(intuition)Frens.
It wasn’t put there by mistake.

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