1 year ago

URGENT WARNING for Native Americans living on reservations in MONTANA! Due to the presence of the UNDERGROUND MISSILE SILOS serving the North America Missile Defense System out of Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, with missiles being located across the state of MONTANA, including on many Native American Reservations, MANY TRIBES NOW FACE TRAGIC POTENTIAL EXTINCTION EVENTS! As America increasingly provokes RUSSIA INTO NUCLEAR CONFLICT, due to our present reckless war policies involving Russia, Russia is now threatening to ATTACK AMERICA WITH DEADLY NUCLEAR FORCE. This is WHY the state of MONTANA is NOW a major TARGET OF RUSSIA! According to one article published in THE MISSOULA CURRENT newspaper here, when Russia decides to attack the USA, they will launch a PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE designed to utterly destroy our MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM, both in Montana and Wyoming and North Dakota. Military analysts have concluded that WHEN THIS HAPPENS, EVERY LIVING THING WILL DIE IN MONTANA. There are 12 Native America tribes and 7 reservations located here in Montana. Some of my Native friends have admitted that they have seen these missile silos ON THEIR RESERVATIONS. WHAT DOES THIS THEREFORE MEAN FOR THESE ENDANGERED PEOPLE??? It can only mean that many tribes will tragically be facing EXTINCTION EVENTS in the event of WW III taking place. From a Biblical Christian perspective, it also means that there will be NO SECOND CHANCE for these endangered people to receive eternal salvation through Jesus Christ ONCE THE DEADLY NUKES STRIKE. A Blackfeet Indian pastor, Titus Upham, admitted sadly to me that only approximately 1 percent of Native Americans across North America know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Which indicates that many will therefore perish ETERNALLY with NO SECOND CHANCE FOR SALVATION when the deadly nuclear attacks occur throughout this state. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! WYOMING and NORTH DAKOTA also have the missile silos located throughout their states, with Indian tribes also dangerously situated nearby. CHRISTIAN INTERCESSORS ARE DESPERATELY NEEDED AT THIS TIME! Do YOU live in a NUCLEAR DOOMSDAY STATE??? To find out MORE, PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO!-Pamela Rae Schuffert, www.AmericanHolocaustComing.blogspot.com
Please consider supporting my Christian outreach to the Native peoples in Montana. My PAYPAL address is: www.Paypal.me/PamelaRaes .
My VENMO address is: @Pamela-Rae-Schuffert
Pamela R Schuffert,
P. O. Box 10584,
Kalispell, MT 59904
Thankyou for YOUR PRAYERS, and GOD BLESS YOU ALL.-"Cowgirl Pammie"

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