Strengthen Your Intuition Fren | Check Description

1 year ago

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” So said Einstein then and – despite increasing research on the potency of intuition as a form of knowing – the same could be said now.

You’re Quick to Pick Up on Emotions
You’re a good judge of character
You have sudden realizations
You’re a deep thinker
You’re Interested in Mysticism and Occult
You Have Vivid Dreams
You Have a Strong Inner Voice

How to strengthen intuition 👉

How to stop overthinking & start trusting your guy. 👉

Discern gut feeling from fear. Fear tends to be accompanied by bodily sensations of constricting or minimizing. You may feel tense, panicky, or desperate. Fear has a pushing energy, as if you’re trying to force something, or selecting an option because you want to avoid a threat, rejection, or punishment. Fear also tends to be dominated by self-critical thoughts that urges you to hide, conform, or compromise yourself.
Intuition on the other hand has pulling energy, as if your choice is moving you toward your best interest, even if that means pursuing a risk or moving more slowly than others. This is usually accompanied by feelings of excitement and anticipation or ease and contentment. Physically, gut feelings tend to cause your body to relax. With intuition, your inner voice is more grounded and wise, like a good mentor.

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