Benjamin Fulford 4/28/23 | The Fallout - Big World Bank IMF Power |

1 year ago

IMF and the World Bank ask China to give them money and China says no, and for good reason if you look at their track record, especially the IMF over the year.

What does the IMF and World Bank do?

They take developing countries, and they offer them loans that are made in such a way that they pretty sure they're going to default. You know, it's like a trap loan, and then when the countries default, they go in there and they say, all right, well, if you want more money, you're going to have to hand over your natural resources, your farmland, everything else, to international corporations controlled by the Khazarian mafia.

And the Chinese are saying no. And what I'm hearing now both from Japanese intelligence and from the CIA sources. Is that the developing countries, at least 140 countries around the world, are planning to announce that they're going to stop all payments in debt to the IMF and the World Bank. And that's going to be the final blow for the Rockefeller post war structure, and to a lesser extent the Rothschilds. If you want to simplify, the World Bank is Rockefeller. The IMF is part of Rockefeller party Rothschild. But in any case this is one of the signs that something big is going to happen.

But you can see other hints that something is wrong, for example. Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy says that he has not heard from the fake Joe Biden since after January 31st, which his when the US defaulted on its external debt obligations. The US can't get money from the Chinese of from anyone else, we are seeing the squeeze.

So for example, Germany was forced to shut down all of its nuclear power generation, and that means that energy prices are going up 45%. For Germans, all that money is going to the Rockefellers.

Another example, Japan record $160-180 billion trade deficit last year going to the Rockefellers.

Since the roll out of the Covid "vaccine" the Rockefeller Khazarian mafia laundered about 10 trillion through vaccines and other pandemic measures to regain money they desperately need since the majority of the world countries are stopping their payment debt like mentioned above. And that 10 trillion is all gone, they have nothing else to cash in and may still have the countless trillions that disappeared into the Pentagon budget.

Good news on the bio-weapon vaccine and the Khazarian mafia in Russia, they have been dealt with, and China has stopped the vaccines and the fake pandemic, informed Russia which is why they took action and the Khazarian mafia influence has been removed in China and Russia.

.....much more in the video.

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