Whole Bible Instruction: Investigate with the Word

1 year ago

Bruce S. Bertram of The Word of God Ministries and http://www.wholebible.com looks at the tenth (of 12) guidelines for applying the Word that come from the Word.

There are books that cover details of interpretation, such as the Walter Kaiser book on hermeneutics or interpretation we mentioned in chapter 4 of our book and in previous videos, and this is another area where we could write one too. But these are principles direct from the Person who wrote the Book. We've chosen some of His guidelines that mostly focus on applying the Word to daily living. Other author's works on the subject are very complete and worth studying, so we just want to cover what we think are the keys to practical application given to us from the Word. We think of these as God's helpful explanations of His Word that we use to counter the enemy's "helpful" explanations.

Our tenth guideline is where quite a few people falter in spectacular fashion. We jump to a conclusion based on what little we see instead of thoroughly investigating. Or we react by our own set of laws instead of God's. Jumping to conclusions is such a common occurrence now, especially in the church, that it is easy to lose sight of the fact that a thorough investigation is a standard part of God's Word. After all, everyone should have a fair trial before the hanging!

For more information our books Whole Bible Christianity: Blessings Pressed Down and Overflowing, Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy and Whole Bible Prophecy: Horror and Hope are available on Amazon.

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