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The Piso Flavian Dynasty

1 year ago





IBAN : HU64117733910048218100000000


Name: Balázs Kormos

Thank You.


  • 0/2000
  • okay I've given this a whole 9 minutes so far and I can tell you for a fact it Zionist it inspired! in the synagogue of Satan of the day the Jews were using Caesar against the ministry of Jesus and of course the creation of the Roman Catholic Church as history shows us in a hundred documentaries plagiarize the hell out of Christianity dragging in deities idols and gods of the zodiac! I can form any narrative to say anything I want interviewing a handful of idiots. the Dead Sea Scrolls are pretty much on point with the King James Bible and you can learn a whole lot by the people who print Bibles today. namely all Catholic own printers constantly changing the Bible distorting the hell out of the King James version in stealing verses out of it!

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  • maybe Josephus copied the gospel instead of the other way around! really tired of a bunch of Jews getting together to discredit the gospel of Jesus Christ! and if they weren't scared to death of it they'd stop altering the King James version in every print house and coming up with a different Bible version every year slowly hacking at the pieces and removing Bible verses!

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  • yeah Rumble something always goes wrong when you're trying to state facts

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  • says a bunch of Oxford Jews! so if we're to believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is counterfeit where does that leave us? well of course it leaves us right where the Jews want to lead us with them in charge! I don't think so this is another counter narrative documentary leading people astray and I would not consider most of the people interviewed Scholars of the Bible or history

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  • says a bunch of Oxford Jews that want it their way! don't fall for deception.

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  • wrong, Oxford Jewish deception

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