Psalm 41 "Blessed is the one who cares for those in need" To the tune Eventide. Sing Psalms.

1 year ago

Psalm 41 "Blessed is the one who cares for those in need"
Tune: Eventide.
Sing Psalms
Falkirk Free Church

The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as a one-to-one correspondence.
image: The remorse of Judas (Matthew 27:1-7 & John 13:18).
This is the last psalm in book 1 and ends with a doxology.

PSALM 41 10 10 10 10

1 Blessed is the one who cares for those in need;
The LORD delivers him in times of strife.
2 The LORD will surely bless him in the land;
He will protect him and preserve his life.

He will not hand him over to his foes
That they may satisfy their evil will.
3 The LORD will on his sickbed give him help,
And he will raise him up when he is ill.

4 I said, “Be merciful to me, O LORD;
Heal me, because against you I have sinned.”
5 My enemies with malice say of me,
“When will he die—his name come to an end?”

6 They visit me with falsehood in their hearts
And then go out and spread their wicked lies.
7 Against me all my foes are whispering;
The worst of fates for me their minds devise.

8 They say, “A vile disease has struck him down;
He never will get up and leave his bed.”
9 My closest friend has turned his back on me—
My trusted friend, with whom I shared my bread.

10 But you, O LORD, be merciful to me
And raise me up their malice to repay.
11 I know that you are pleased with me, O LORD;
For over me my foe does not hold sway.

12 In my integrity you hold me fast;
Before you I will constantly remain.
13 O praise the LORD, the God of Israel,
For ever and for evermore! Amen.

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