Unicorn Rose (LGBTQ Anthology Horror) Original Stories

1 year ago

This is my original anthology horror ideal pitch for a full length movie or short film the theme is based on LGBTQ community with a wrap around story to go with it.

Original script Below Contains Spoilers:
Unicorn Rose
Summary Horror Anthology

Wrap Around-Story Q: Drag Queen got stuck in the middle of the road and now on the run from violence gang of LGBTQ haters and stop by a empty house to hide in from a ghost town location, Come across a hobo as she tell the male drag queen stories of her travels.

Story 1- Gay: Four Young College Studs go to a gay retreat to relax and get away from city life as there having fun dancing, drinking and wild romping. But there is a mysterious killer with a lipstick mask going to hack and slash these studs to death.
The last surviving stud ready to fight the killer and pull out the mask as it is a female killer who is the owner of the retreat and created this to kill gay people. Because in her past the killer's father have a affair over her mother with another man. Out of rage she hated gay people as the stud push the killer back so hard the killer landed on the stud metal spike dildo back of her head giving her the fatal blow.

Story 2- Lesbian: Stacy & Kelly are two couples in New York City as Kelly came back from her trip in Scotland she been acting funny. Stacy needs to figure out what is wrong with Kelly as she can't eat regular food and her body is falling apart. As Stacy notice her girlfriend is a zombie and as Kelly tell her the story what happen during her trip that breathing the air was funny. Stacy notice Kelly only kill men and not women. As this Zombie virus only affects females and there to need to kill but only of the male species. When Stacy turn on the T.V. The Virus have affected the world leaving the end of the female race and Stacy also turning into a Zombie.

Story 3- Bi-Sexual: Derrick is a rich bisexual playboy but every time he is with some one that person is dead. Derrick have been going insane since his 21stbirthday and needs to find out what is going on with him. Derrick notice he could transform both male and female of different mood swings so he must find out who is really doing the killing male side or the female. Until he looks in the mirror of the last victim he kills and notice is both sides twisted face of himself male and female together. His Father walks in to clean up his mess again Derrick ask why simply told his son he made a deal with the devil for wealth but in return his son have to take the souls of other on his 21stbirthday to keep the deal going.

Story 4- Transgender: Johnson is ready to go for his transsexual operation and be a female but he notice strange looks about the doctors. There all have big heads and black eyes and looking around the hospital windows the sky is black. Realized Johnson is in outer space and the doctors are aliens now Johnson needs to find a way to escape. But fail as the Aliens perform his surgery and once Johnson wakes up he have been turn into a Alien like them instead of a woman.

Wrap Around-Story Q End: The Gang came inside the empty house and ready to attack the Drag Queen but what the gang and the drag queen don't notice. That this ghost town is run by Vampires and the Hobo is the Leader of this Vampires coven. Vampires attack the gang drinking there blood and cutting there heads. The Hobo (Vampire Queen) offer the Drag Queen to be one of them to be immortal
as he accepted and now going to Vegas to perform as Drag Queen Vampire.

#lgbtq #horrorstories #anthology

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