BEST CAREER ADVICE FOR 12TH AND 10TH IN HINDI by Sandeep Maheswari latest 2023

1 year ago

In this video, Sandeep Maheshwari shares valuable career advice for students who have just completed their 10th or 12th standard. He emphasizes the importance of identifying one's interests and passions, and pursuing a career path that aligns with those interests. He also stresses the significance of hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude in achieving success in any field.

Sandeep Maheshwari encourages students to explore different career options and to not be afraid of taking risks. He suggests building a strong personal brand and online presence through networking and self-promotion, and also stresses the value of seeking guidance from mentors and continuously investing in one's professional development.

Overall, Sandeep Maheshwari's advice empowers students to take charge of their careers and make informed decisions that lead to a fulfilling and successful professional life.

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