The Light - EYE CREATE

1 year ago

Have you ever wondered where the light went? Why it is seemingly so close, but so hard to find?
Why it seems to be near your fingertips ……but just out of the grasp of your mind?
That’s because what you seek you have already found. It was neither hiding away, nor just plain lying around.
It’s just out of view, but right there in your face. To find it, you don’t need to search in any particular place.
Just close your eyes, so you can see it more clearly. Open your heart so you can embrace it more dearly.
To look, To see, To hear, To smell, To taste …and to jump with glee.
To wonder in awe of all that that could be …but wait… Is this all that there is truly?
What’s next? When will you see? When will you be satisfied and say, it’s now ok for me?
Like a bee ever moving, but never quite straight, its destination is unknown, but its arrival is never late.
Ever, ceaselessly, moving forward, why do you find it offensive? That door is there for everyone, and it doesn’t matter if you are pensive.
Take heart, and LIFT up your spirit. Put that thing in motion, and let EVERYBODY hear it!
Walk in the rain, and put your hands in the dirt. Look at the stars as you saw every one of them first!
Sit in the shade and watch the grass. Take time to watch that caterpillar pass.
It was there for you, and you were there for each other, Just like a child and it’s mother!
You’ve got to understand, that every moment is magic. It can be bold or fearful. Wonderful or tragic.
It’s up to you. To decide whether to go looking, or just sit still. Remember, the light is right there …man what a thrill!
Open your heart and see the evidence… That it is inside of YOU where the light takes up residence!
The smokeless fire that started this VERSE …that’s what gives you an insatiable thirst.
Not for water, but something more ephemeral, that seems to always be JUST over there…
It’s that drive that tells you your ALIVE, and DO have a few more moments to spare, and care, and share, and be there…
I swear!
Now it’s time to open those eyes and take a look at this verse, and see that this song has always been playing for you!!
Now GO SING!! … And Enjoy the View!

Thank you Pink Panda for creating, "Relaxing", a beautiful, and timeless melody!!

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