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Vaccine Choice Canada's Ted Kuntz: the lack of safety, efficacy, and informed consent for childhood vaccines. | Vancouver Day 3 | NCI

1 year ago

In his presentation, Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, discusses the lack of safety, efficacy, and informed consent for childhood vaccines dating back decades. Watch as he provides evidence and insights into this ongoing issue.


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  • This is the type of presentation that governments and the medical cartel don't want you to see. The MSM will never show this video and if they mention it, it will be labelled as misinformation, which is a blatant lie. This was one of the most important presentations yet and I hope more people will watch and share it. It's too important to ignore.

  • So happy to see Ted give his testimony! I've been following Vaccine Choice Canada's channel for about 2 years, I think. I'm glad that information is getting into the public record and that it motivates changes in the ways we look at health care. NCI, you are doing fantastic work and I'm very happy with the whole process. May our leaders take your recommendations to heart but unfortunately, I am rather pessimistic that they will. Praying for each one of you and all those you are interviewing.

  • Their (our controllers) contempt for us... is clearly evident, when its all broken down, and the truth is ALLOWED TO BE HEARD. Our God Given rights, are trampled at every turn. Thank you Everyone. One testimony, at a time.

  • Dear Mr. Kuntz, You have a brutal job and I hope your power continues to pump up from minute to minute and day to day. We can hardly ever learn enough about the vaccine horrors, lies and perversions.

  • Excellent presentation! A lot of disturbing information came out about vaxxes in general which I found eye-opening. My heart aches for what our populations of parents and children are enduring at present.

  • Thank you for your MANY years of dedication and continued efforts fighting for our kids and grandchildren. You are a true Canadian HERO!!!!!

  • Ted is my hero. VCC have weekly zoom meetings that saved my sanity during the lockdown. I was able to see and talk with others who felt the same as I did. That led to meeting new people and making friends. My siblings are all jabbed and see the world very differently.

  • https://VaccineChoiceCanada.com/ . https://StopTheShots.ca/ . Vax Treatments here: https://vaxinjury.ca/ .

  • Wow! Clear, important presentation. Thank you.

  • ThankGod for men like you Ted Kuntz....Honesty and integrity coupled with courage.....The government could take lessons but of course they would need a brain to do that

  • been sharing this video. A lot of the info comes from The Highwire with Del Bigtree (Rumble) When I saw this data about not testing and no placebo used I was shocked. I guess after 1986 when Reagan gave pharma immunity pharma went to town with increasing their va$$ine agenda. And forget the safety

  • My new free book published 30Mar2023 - send to everyone! COVID & CLIMATE CHRONICLES – THE BIG CULL https://allanmacrae.substack.com/p/coming-soon 15 million people have died worldwide to date from the toxic Covid-19 vaccines and that is continuing; another ~one billion have been vaxx-injured and their fertility badly compromised. I correctly called the Covid-19 scam in Feb2020, within the first month of its public existence. On 21Mar2020 I published: “LET’S CONSIDER AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH: Isolate people over sixty-five and those with poor immune systems and return to business-as-usual for people under sixty-five. This will allow “herd immunity” to develop much sooner and older people will thus be more protected AND THE ECONOMY WON’T CRASH.” Six months later world experts published the same recommendations in the Great Barrington Declaration. On 8Jan2021 I wrote government representatives and media and strongly advised: ”The Covid-19 vaccine developments were rushed and are not proven safe or effective and should NOT be taken, especially by the low-risk population – those under-65 or recovered from Covid-19. The two experimental Covid-19 vaccines that contain mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) are especially risky – due to unknown future side-effects, the risk-to-reward is far too high for the low-risk group.” Two years later the Surgeon General of Florida made the same recommendation. Denis Rancourt et al and I independently calculated 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused deaths to end 2022, excluding China; I estimate 19 million vaxx-deaths by end 2023, unless we treat the vaxxed now. Covid-19 was not a deadly flu – it was similar in mortality to many other seasonal flu’s. In Alberta, there was no significant increase in the yearly total death trend up to 1July2020. Our Alberta physicians practiced competent, early treatment. The Covid-19 toxic “vaccines” killed ~98,000 Canadians in 2021 and 2022, and at current trends that death toll will increase to 145,000 by end 2023.

  • Excellent presentation, Ted. And great comments from Shawn. Hope this, and all the other excellent testimony, goes far and wide.

  • I’m furious- we’ve been complicit in poisoning our children.

  • Anymore videos from this?

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