Air Force Revives Hopes for Hypersonic Weapon with ARRW Decision #hypersonicmissile #arrw #hacm

1 year ago

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Hopeful ARRW? - 0:00
Conflicting Testimony - 0:33
ARRW Versus HACM - 1:27
Catching Up to Russia and China - 3:08
Conclusion and Closing Remarks - 3:55

The US Air Force's pursuit of hypersonic weapons has been a rocky road with several setbacks, but it seems that there may still be hope for one of the programs. The Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW), a hypersonic glide vehicle, has had a difficult development, with multiple failed tests and funding cuts. However, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has indicated that the service has not given up on ARRW just yet, despite previous indications to the contrary.

Conflicting Testimony.
The recent development regarding ARRW's future stems from a seeming conflict in testimony provided by Air Force officials. Acquisition chief Andrew Hunter had previously testified that the service did not intend to pursue follow-on procurement of ARRW once the prototyping program concludes. However, Kendall's testimony before the House Armed Services Committee appeared to contradict that statement, with Kendall stating that the service will wait for the conclusion of all-up-round tests before making a procurement decision. An Air Force spokesperson later clarified that Hunter's comments referred more narrowly to the fiscal 2024 budget submission, which did not include a request for hypersonic procurement. Kendall's broader comments still point to his dissatisfaction with the way ARRW is proceeding. He had previously criticized the program's lack of progress and stated that the service was more committed to the Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile (HACM), which he believes offers more potential.

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