US government caught trafficking children: BOMBSHELL whistleblower testimony | Redacted News

1 year ago

US government caught trafficking children: BOMBSHELL whistleblower testimony | Redacted News

May 5, 2023 #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris
A government whistleblower says that the U.S. government is acting as the “middleman” to traffic young children into unimaginable lives through the migrant crisis. Tara Lee Rodas, a Health and Human Services whistleblower, gave [her opening statement](

• BREAKING NEWS: HH... ) on the child migrant crisis to the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. It is horrific. She [says that](

• BREAKING NEWS: HH... ) the U.S. government, perhaps unintentionally, “has become the middleman in a large-scale multibillion dollar child trafficking operation that is run by bad actors seeking to profit off of the lives of children.

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