Darwinian Evolution-Not Really Science S1E6 - Darwinian Evolution-Junk Science Series

1 year ago

WARNING: This video series contains SHOCKING content. These options are not our opinions--they are the actual SHOCKING quotes of the scientists involved.

Everyone has asked themselves at least once: Where did I come from?

Then in school, and endorsed by society, you are spoon-fed the whole 'You came from an insect or a fish or a unicorn or a speck of pond scum - like everyone else! You're just an animal! Survival of the fittest!'

What you're not told, unless you look for it yourself, is that Darwin expressed a flaw in his own theory. A flaw that... with the help of time, would smooth this little flaw out and prove his theory to be correct! It's just a matter of time...

Well, Darwin ole pal, it's been 150+ years and there is still this glaring, teensy, little flaw. Time didn't prove your theory correct and in fact, I think Darwin would have to stand by his own statement if he were alive - bless his little black heart - since the number of transitional forms discovered in these past 150+ years has been... well, zero. That's right folks, nil. Nigh. Nothing. Zip. Nada.

Yes yes, we have the fruit fly - and Eliyahu talks about this adorable little 'speciation event' where the little bugger turned into a...

....Another fruit fly!!! Yup. Real pseudoscience. That was supposed to be an oxymoron.

This evolution gimmick is real fun, but take a look at the full video to get all this information better delivered to you by someone more serious and with lots and lots of fun slides and graphics. Onward!

#Bible #BibleStudy #Scam #Science #Darwin #Evolution #Debunked #Theory

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