Fixing Virginia's out of control schools!

1 year ago

One of the few useful and eye-opening results of the COVID lockdowns was parents becoming aware of what is being taught in the classrooms. Rather than teaching what is expected, the students are subjected to political indoctrination and social engineering. Children are also being encouraged to obtain certain medical therapies and procedures without parental permission or knowledge. There is an attitude that our children belong to everyone and parents no longer have primary authority over their children's education and well-being and future.

So, what can we do about it? We have to elect people who stand with parents and children, not special interest groups and radical educators. We need schools to get back to the basics of educating our children and not indoctrinating them based on a radical social agenda. We need total transparency so that parents are aware of what’s going on in the classroom. We need a parents bill of rights so that they are in charge of their children’s education and future, as it should be.

As your State Senator, I will be tireless to make this happen!
#virginiapolitics #fairfaxcounty #virginiaschools

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