RENEGADES 2023 - 2030. Which Camp are you in? Where are you going Heaven or Hell?

1 year ago

King James Bible: Moses and the Ten Commandments.
Given to the Israelites in the 40th year of walking in the Wilderness before they entered THE PROMISED LAND.

Think You are a good person?

Going to Heaven when you die?

Here is the definition of good.

Someone who is perfect in all his ways.

1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make for yourself a carved image.
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
4. Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.
5. Honor your father and mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not lie.
10. You shall not covet.

No one Human can keep all of the Law we all fail.

God the Father is Holy, Righteous, Perfect in all his ways. This is how he sees the world and judges by the Law his perfect will for all mankind.

We have all sinned and fallen short of Gods glory deserving of Hell and eternal separation because we are natural born sinners. Born into a earth under the curse since Eden.
Transgressors of his law and precepts before a THE Holy, Jealous, Righteous, Wrathful God.

A perfect Just, judge who judges everyone according to their deeds. Works done in the body. It's called Judgment day.

Jesus paid the price, the fine for our transgression (Sin), disobedience, rebellion.
With his blood. God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son to die in our place. The ultimate and last atonement for sins. That we may be reconciled to God the Father through his Sons sacrifice and that we should gain eternal life and NOT PERISH.

Biblical Evangelism in this order.


Law, Sin, Repentance, Grace, Mercy, The Cross. Jesus is the only way to the Father and Eternal life.

Jesus offers to save us from a Hell default.
The LAW is the schoolmaster that brings us to Christ.

Will Jesus be Your mediator on the Day of Judgment of ALL Mankind?

Did you believe on him? Call on his name?

New World Order Ten Commandments.
Georgia Guidestones. 22.3.1980 Founded.

4 Stones with 8 Languages (48) written with 10 Rules/Commandments.

Their 10 objectives to the 2030 Goals United Nations 17 sustainability goals.

Amercian Stonehenge. Depopulation, Eugenics, Sustainability, International Law, New Language (Tower of Babel) Rule Faith with Humanist reasoning, social duties (Compliance) Nature before the Human cancer, Universalism.

Destroyed (By design?) on July 6th 2022.

In their 42nd Year. 1980 - 2022.
Number 42 and significances.

Mattthew chapter 1 vs 17.

Abraham to Jesus Christ is 42 Generations.
Jesus' ministry on earth was around 3.5 Years = 42 Months.
The Beast Man Rev 13:5 continues in power for 42 Months (Great Tribulation)

Barack Hussein Obama born 4th August 1961.
216th day of the year 6x6x6 = 216. Wikipedia page number 216. Movie Pi Faith in chaos 1998.

+ 40 Years (480 Months)

= The year of 9/11/2001.

804 (84) + 19 + 61 (1961) + 21 + 6 (216) = 911 units, days...

The World Economic Forum Founded January 1971.

+ 48 Years

= 2020 The Great Reset. Covid released.

22.3.1980 The Georgia Guidestones commemorated.

+ 40 Years (480 Months)

= 2020. 22.3.2020. 40th Year Anniversary of the Georgia Guidestones.

RENEGADE Meaning: "A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles" Traitor, Betrayer, Defector.

2008. Obama comes to power. 4.11.2008.

Secret service give Obama the Code Name RENEGADE.

Obama announces and releases "A Promised Land" Book.

17th September 2020

+ 8 Weeks 4 Days within 61 Days

= 17th November 2020.

"A Promised Land" Book. 17th November 2020 released.

+ 9 Days 11 Months (911)

= Renegades Book Springsteen/Obama Release 26th October 2021

Renegades 1st Podcast Spotify Springsteen/Obama 22nd February 2021

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84)

= Renegades Book Springsteen/Obama Release 26th October 2021

Renegades Last Podcast Spotify Springsteen/Obama Release 26th October 2021

+ 21 Days 6 Months (216)

= Renegades Book Springsteen/Obama Release 26th October 2021

+ 2 Days 1 Year 6 Months (216)

= Friday 28th April 2023.

Bruce Springsteen, Steven Spielberg, Barack Obama. Attend concert Barcelona Spain.

Springsteen in his career has sung a few times in Barcelona Spain in previous years.

Friday 28th April 2023.
1st Concert of his world Tour. Bruce Springsteen and the e Street Band world tour Europe, Canada, USA 2023.

Obama continues his tour of Europe also with his "Evening with President Obama" gigs.

If you don't know who Obama is and who Pope Francis is really.

If you are Christian or not.

The truth here is without question and is applicable to all.

Get yourself a King James Authorized bible No commentary words of Jesus in Red.

The Best we have Study bible on the market The Evidence Bible.

Start the journey to Faith in Christ.

And eternal salvation.

The only way to be victorious over this:


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