Ep 42 N8 5th May 23 - The Coming Together of The Plan

1 year ago

Tonight on Number 8 Zoom

An exciting zoom with updates on
-->Our push back against hideous plans to normalise pedophilia in schools.
-->Latest awesome news of happenings in the Employment Courts
-->Interviews that are essential to watch and share everywhere we can - See links below

-->The ideologically evil charitable trust named "InsideOut" that has been paid more than a million dollars by the govt to push pedophilia based child abuse in our schools. Normalising this kind of child abuse with the aim to bring the age of consent to 0 ..... yes zero! ---- We have to stop this for the sake of our children and their children

Shaws Bird Park Hamilton --> Hamilton CC is determined to steal the land from its rightful owners, The Shaw family. HCC are attempting to build a road with at least 3 bridges in partnership with French company Vinci Construction and subcontractor HEBS. This road in unnecessary, will destroy native wetland, native trees that are decades old and wildlife including NZ native bats and Teal - all so they can line their filthy pockets with tax payer cash.
Come to Shaws and help make this a stand the likes NZ has never seen before against these filthy corrupt money grubbing bureaucrats

Help Support Number 8
Number is supporting New Zealanders in multiple ways, very successfully, through the courts and through out of court settlements, via zoom education and email and phone support. We are fully supporting teachers that want to say NO to being forced into grooming children for Pedophilia, nurses that say NO to a forced medical treatment and all New Zealanders that are suffering employment and workplace related problems that they need support to overcome. And we love being there for all New Zealanders!!

N8 is member fee and donation funded only.

We have volunteers who are doing a great job of helping in the background but it would be awesome if we could give them a bit of support financially in these expensive time - Please become a paid member by signing up here - The cost is less than a coffee a week https://forms.gle/YZxHppGycWEbgrzv6

Or make a donation to this account - Please use reference "Donation" and email info@number8.org.nz if you require a receipt for tax purposes
Here are our bank details;
TSB account Number 8 Workers’ Union Inc 15-3968-0114433-00

We greatly appreciated it!

Links from tonight -
Ian Wishart with @SeanPlunket more on transgender extremism in schools.

Donna Pokere-Phillips was live. My guest tonight is Carlene Hereora, you don't want to miss this one

Ben Espiner: who’s behind gender education changes in our schools?

The disgusting organisation InsideOut -https://insideout.org.nz/

Please research these horrible people and share to those not awake or getting the full gravity of the danger our children are in!!

Hotkeys for viewing Rumble on a PC:
j - skip back 10s, l - skip forward 10s, m - mute, t - toggle theatre mode, f - full screen, spacebar - stop/start , shift + < = slower, shift + > = faster


03:10 Liz: Review of sexualised grooming curriculum in schools – Alternative media sources – SESH, Mike King, Bob McCoskrie, Donna Pokere-Phillips, Sean Plunkett, Carlene Louise

08:31 Liz: Ben Espiner interview revealing the agenda of InsideOUT Kōaro key rainbow stakeholder – National charity with government funding – Rainbow Charitable Trust – Private charitable trust – OIA is not successful – Rainbow tick training – Advocates not educators – Checking out the website

18:00 Liz: Action plan to protect teachers and school boards

19:09 Erika: 30,000-foot overview – Personal grievances – Glaxo Smith Kline, Air New Zealand and Nike tactics excuse bad behaviour – Dr requesting supervised rat test 15 mins before appointments = $$$ – OIA reveals $120 profit from rat test – Complaint to Health and Disability commissioner – Rest homes still requiring rat testing for visitors

28:50: Charities Commission report on InsideOUT – Rainbow Tick – Rainbow Insignia – Open chat

35:30 Liz: Call out of appreciation for N8WUNZ advocates & admin

38:00 Liz: Mediation for member resolved – Excessive workload – 125 hours but doing 197 – Section 83, overwork is a health and safety risk, bullying, isolation and more – Section 83 for the individual in the office environment – Section 84 is a PIN for groups – Setting up a safe workplace for teachers

45:10 Liz: Often calls Section 83 the anti-slavery section of the Act - Employment Relations Act sections 67 A-G for protection against employers sneakily getting work without pay – First legislation for workers in NZ was the Factories Act

46:18 Liz: We have come back to the 1880s in this country. It's worse because they do it with a smiling face. At least you knew who was kicking you in the guts in the 1880s. Now they have HR managers in smart suits – Karen found case re resisting costs in Vax situation – Interlocutory explanation – used by respondent to slow process down and increase costs – Judge said the case was of public interest because it was against the state – Section 54 Public Services Act 2020, Duty to act independently in employment matters = a classic example of the Separation of powers between the three arms of government

52:11 Liz: Section 83 importance – Join the union to have your working conditions improved without going on strike – Work to rule – Open chat – Which business are the InsideOUT trustees linked to? Pedo networking

01:05:14 Liz: Closing chat

01:11:14 Liz: Charles chat – Allodial – 2 English revolutions, the English Civil War the Glorious Revolution 1688 – Constitutional monarchy – Interregnum – No single man or woman should have power (Biden) – Allodial answer to SNA’s, Three waters and co governance

01:26:12 Emz: Council utilising the Public Works Act to stealing land

Content links:
Sexuality education in primary schools NZ

WHO International technical guidance on sexuality education
Alternative Media:

Mike King

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAIxkzVY5oI Music video
https://www.facebook.com/freenz.org/videos/901155887237673/ Interview with Liz Gunn

Ian Wishart with @SeanPlunket more on transgender extremism in schools.

Donna Pokere-Phillips was live. My guest tonight is Carlene Hereora, you don't want to miss this one

Sean Plunkett interviews Ben Espiner: who’s behind gender education changes in our schools?

Bob McCoskrie – Family First

Reality Check Radio is an oasis of rational thought in an age of cancel-culture, censorship and false narratives.

InsideOUT Kōaro – CC48531 Trustee list – Books endorsed

RAINBOWS CHARITABLE TRUST (2614029) (NZBN: 9429043266104) [Charitable Trust] Registered

Glaxo Smith Kline
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOjJiB7Hbso GlaxoSmithKline issues apology for bribery case

Mount Erebus disaster

Nike discrimination lawsuit

Health and Disability Commissioner for complaints

Erika OIA Rat test

Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights) Regulations 1996

Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994

Rainbow Tick accreditation

Section 83 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Right of worker to cease or refuse to carry out unsafe work

Sections 67 A-G Employment Relations Act 2000

Factories Act 1891 (54 & 55 VICT 1891 No 32) http://www.nzlii.org/nz/legis/hist_act/fa18915455v1891n32212/fa18915455v1891n32212.html

Factories Act 1894 (58 VICT 1894 No 31)

Section 54 Public Services Act 2020 - Duty to act independently in employment matters


From the chat:
Movie recommendations:

Charitable trusts & Rainbow accreditation


WorkSafe job advertisement - mentioning Rainbow Tick and COVID-19 Vaccination policy
https://careers.worksafe.govt.nz/jobs/WKS-1714160 There are a range of networks you can become part of, such as our Te Rōpū Atuapiko Rainbow Network (we're also Rainbow Tick accredited)
COVID-19 Vaccination policy
WorkSafe strongly encourages and supports all our people to be vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19, however our current policy position is that vaccination is not a requirement for employment. Please note that WorkSafe may, if needed, reintroduce a vaccination requirement, or other approaches for managing a significant outbreak.

Number 8 Workers' Union of NZ - Update with Liz Lambert 7 May 2023

Chronology of the New Zealand Health System 1840 to 2017

Employment Of Females Bill 1873 (69-1)

LABOUR, DEPARTMENT OF CONTROL OF WORKING CONDITIONS - The first legislative control over working conditions in factories in New Zealand was the Employment of Females Act of 1873 applying to factory employment

NZLII Databases search legal materials with “factories” in search bar earliest first http://www.nzlii.org/cgi-bin/sinosrch.cgi?method=auto;meta=%2Fnzlii;mask_path=%2Bnz;mask_world=;query=factories;results=20;submit=Search;rank=on;callback=off;legisopt=;view=date-earliest;max=;offset=0



Out on the Shelves is a regularly-updated online reading resource that lists books from around the world with rainbow themes and characters.

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