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Reptil by John Catchpole and Angus Peter Allen. Episode Six. A Puke (TM) Comic.
Episode Six.
Vigilante or criminal?
For months and months, Buck Rouquin and his two accomplices had prepared for the break-in of the “Mercantile banking company”.
This is it Hein, you study a plan in all of its details, and its execution is as smooth as velvet guys.
Quiet! I think I heard something outside the window.
You’re crazy, we’re on the tenth floor!
Are you having a good look? Not even a cat, even down on the sidewalk.
The bandits would have done better to look above them, because.
Page Two:
Stupid people.
They, hiss, have no idea, hiss, what awaits them!
That's it!
There's at least twenty thousand pounds!
Quickly! We'll count that later!
Eh? Who is it?
Page Three:
Kraits Ring hisses.
Without, hiss, knowing it they were, hiss, working for Krait!
I must hurry!
In a moment or another the effects are going to manifest themselves!
I, I, Transform myself!
It was the next day that the young master assistant Mark Bowen showed up outside a remote house on the outskirts of London.
Page Four:
So young man, you will work with professor Andros Androphis?
A great scholar!
We rarely see that!
One of the most illustrious biologists of our time, monsieur!
He does me a great honor by choosing me as his assistant!
An instant later.
Bowen? Come in, my child.
Oh! That's not how I saw it at all.
Bonjour, monsieur.
Come! I'll show you your room.
What do you think of my home my child?
A little, a, a little bit special sir.
He is really very bizarre but that does not prevent him from being a great scientist.
Page Five:
Mark was relieved to find that his room was pretty normal.
We will begin our work tomorrow, my boy.
Right away, if you want, master.
For this you need to know the places where you will work.
In fact you will hardly move from here.
It is admirably equipped, master.
There is another lab here?
No! It's a kind of closet where no one has set foot for years.
He lies! The padlock looks like an object that is used often and it has fresh oil!
Page Six:
A little later.
So, your impressions?
It is fabulous master!
I can’t wait to begin work!
Do people not say that you make fabulous donations to charitable workers?
They say so many things, my boy! So many things!
That night Mark Bowen cannot sleep.
Only three hours!
I'm going to drink a glass of water!
It might help me fall asleep.
Looks like the teacher isn't sleeping either!
Master, are you there?
Page Seven:
The closet! The door is open and.
It's not a cubbyhole! A staircase that leads to.
Oh! What is this!
Page Eight:
The young fool! Hiss!
Young people always have to get involved in things that don't concern them!
A little later.
A horrible creature from a nightmare!
Help me!
My boy! My boy!
What are you shouting like that? You woke me up!
Oh? Master?
Page Nine:
I, I saw. The cave.
A nightmare!
Simply a nightmare my boy!
Relax, my boy! I am going to prepare you a good strong coffee!
No! It was very real! I still have a bruised throat.
And the ring he wore on his finger.
Exactly the same as the one worn by the, monster!
What kind of mess am I getting into?
Fortunately, Mark had the prudence to keep from him the discovery he had made.
I made it very strong!
It's daytime already.
I think it is needless to go back to bed! See you soon, my boy!
He plays his game well!
So the great professor Androphis.
Page Ten:
Would keep a horrible monster with him, of which he would not talk about to anybody.
God only knows for what obscure reason. Amazing!
I have to get rid of it! But, for this moment it is too precious for me.
Too precious!
A little later.
What a fascinating subject of study, that of the venoms of snakes! Is that not so, my boy?
No one in the world knows more than you about this matter, master!
It probably took you years to collect those we are studying at the moment?
They are very rare indeed!
In confidence, I can tell you that I am currently about to make an extraordinary discovery.
But Mark Bowen can't take his eyes off the mysterious door, which is still carefully padlocked.
Page Eleven:
You are a great scholar, whose work I passionately admire, master.
But tonight I will do everything possible to discover your secret!
The next evening.
The teacher didn't go to bed!
I hear him in the hallway.
Here he is in the dark!
I think it is in my interest not to lose sight of him.
He entered the laboratory. Oh!
He is not here anymore.
Hum! He drank something! So what?
Page Twelve:
This strange cry.
Which freezes the bones.
It comes from the cellar! The monster no doubt!
A Person? And yet.
Is there a secret passage somewhere?
No! It doesn't ring hollow anywhere!
There is a ventilation chimney.
But no one can have used it to go out.
Not the teacher. Nor the monstrous creature.
Oh! Someone is moving over there!
Page Thirteen:
This, hiss night the reptile will be manifest! Hiss!
It progresses by fantastic leaps!
It is not the teacher! It can only be the monster!
A little later in an isolated farm.
Nothing but used tickets! We will have no problem selling them!
The cops never pull them out!
We don't risk getting caught.
Who, who are you?
I am reptile! Hiss!
Few people know of me, but I will soon be famous throughout the universe!
Page Fourteen:
Yes Hiss! You did a good job for me.
Your disguise does not impress me mister.
And I'm going to make lots of holes in it.
Poor Fool! I have the speed of a cobra!
Bang! Bang!
It is not a human being!
Bang, bang!
I am a Reptile! I am all reptiles!
Hiss! Hiss!
Page Fifteen:
We will soon see that no one can resist me!
But then suddenly.
Huh! The effects will cease sooner than expected!
Eh! The teacher!
He saw me! Oh, my boy!
Do not be afraid! I mean you no harm!
Master but what is this?
My grand secret my boy!
A new substance obtained by the distillation of various reptile poisons, the ingestion of which causes a momentary metamorphosis of my whole being.
Page Sixteen:
Vice Must Be punished, my boy.
And the fruit of vice used for my good work, which will contribute to the enrichment of virtue!
So it is.
That you can make all these generous donations, which we talk about so much!
We'll talk about all that tomorrow morning, my boy!
At this moment, you are far too upset to calmly understand the problem!
A little later.
Unimaginable, yes!
The professor is sort of like doctor Jekyll from Stevenson's novel, who turns into a human beast, Mister Hyde, at night.
For good reasons, or for bad ones?
Should I notify the police? No one will believe me.
And then there is science, whose professor is one of its most glorious representatives.
He wonders! Too bad he followed me last night!
I will soon find out his intentions.
Page Seventeen:
If he has good intentions he will live! Otherwise.
The day after, minus the nuclear war.
No! No! His intentions cannot be good!
Of course, he gives to charity what he collects from criminals. Attention! Here it is!
My boy? Euh?
Your discovery fascinates me. And of course, the interest of science.
Uh! But I can't keep this secret to myself!
Page Eighteen:
I need to let the police know.
What a pity! It would have been nice to associate a young man with a future in my projects, but too bad.
Hey! What are you doing there?
Quite frankly I am sorry my boy.
But my secrets must not be exposed in the public domain.
Wow! La-la!
Help me!
Come on nice python!
Kill him, kill him!
Page Nineteen:
Ah! I'm lost!
The snake's tail!
You have let go! Take this now!
Smash! Thug!
Damnation! He got free!
Yes! I freed myself and now I allow myself no doubt: you are an evil madman!
And you, you are a fool! You are ignorant of the extent of my powers!
Page Twenty:
But, already mark was throwing himself headlong through the glass of the window.
Crash! Shatter!
The Potion!
For all the powers of the invincible reptile are unleashed against him!
The next moment.
Why is this madman whistling like this? Oh!
Thousands of frogs who hasten to his call!
They're in my way!
Hold it, my delicious little friends,
While I effect my metamorphosis!
Page Twenty One:
And let me become the invincible reptile!
In one gulp the professor emptied the glass and.
Huh! Blood freezes in the veins! My Force is growing! Growing, growing!
I metamorphose!
Oh Dirty Beasts!
Ah! They take me hopping back to the house!
Page Twenty Two:
I have to get rid of them!
Fire! If that doesn't work, I'm lost!
Back! Go away!
Curse him!
He put my little friends on the run!
But he won't escape reptile!
Here he is! He catches me!
Oh! But what worked so well with the frogs.
Page Twenty Three:
Can also work very well with him.
Snek, snek.
Ha-ha-ha! A curtain of flames between you and me, professor! I got you!
No, poor fool! Don't you realize that I have the powers of all of the reptiles?!
Even the legendary powers of the salamander. Hiss!
The powers of the salamander?
The salamander!
Hiss! Yes, yes, that traverses the fire without running the slightest danger!
Hiss! Yes, Yes!
Page Twenty Four:
No one can escape, Mark Bowen!
I am lost, thought Mark.
So luckily.
Who's the idiot who set the brushwood on fire?
I am saved! Yokels with pitchforks to the rescue!
Let's get this over with!
Damn them! They're too many!
Listen to me well, Bowen!
You are triumphing for the moment, but I will know how to find you again!
And you will perish!
Who are you?
Did you see who set the fire?
Yes! I did it!
Page Twenty Five:
Eh? You crazy?
I will explain to you!
Reptile was chasing me! A monster!
Listen to me!
It is professor Androphis, who turns into a monster.
A helping hand to master this madman, guys!
Whack! Thud!
Perfect! Now let's take him to the village!
When Mark came to.
Whoa! What happened?
It is you who are going to tell me, because for the moment you are being prosecuted for arson!
Page Twenty Six:
Listen to me!
It is Professor Androphis.
But the sergeant does not listen to the young man for long.
What a shame!
How can anyone say such horrible things about the professor!
A great man who subsidizes all our charitable works!
Hello Doctor Bighorn?
I have a mental patient here!
An arsonist!
It would be good if you had him committed.
However, news of Mark's arrest had already traveled the country.
I must go and visit this young fool without delay!
Page Twenty Seven:
I swear, Sergeant that I told the truth!
We will see about that when the doctor examines you!
Tough luck, opportunity has knocked and left!
I can't prevent the professor from continuing his evil activities!
At night, as the snow begins to fall.
I will calm him down, this young fool!
Hey there!
Its professor Androphis!
Bonsoir Professor!
Here is something to buy you some sweets, my children.
Oh! You are too kind, Professor!
Professor, do you know what?
There is a guy at the station who's talking badly about you!
Page Twenty Eight:
An unfortunate imbalance, children.
You have to forgive him.
And that is what I'm going to tell him this instant!
A moment later.
Certainly! You can talk to him, professor!
But don't get too close to him! He is dangerous!
Sergeant! I repeat to you that it is he who is dangerous!
Stay calm, you!
I'm going away for a while, professor!
Thankyou Sergeant! I will stand as far from the bars as is permissible!
With the sergeant away, Mark found himself alone face to face with the terrible professor.
Time to drink the potion!
And you realize that you are safe from nothing behind these bars, you little fool!
Page Twenty Nine:
Huh! My blood freezes in my veins!
My strength is growing, growing, growing!
I transform!
Yes! Yes! Hiss!
I am hypnotizing you, you little fool!
You are the prey of Reptile! You can't move!
You will die from the poison in my ring.
I, I am, I am paralyzed!
And everyone will think that you died of heart failure! Hiss!
Page Thirty:
But then.
Professor! We’re finished with the lollipops!
Can you give us more?
So! Hiss! Hiss!
You are at my mercy! Hiss!
I aim!
Now time to press a tiny button and.
Teacher! Give us enough to buy lollipops and.
We will sing you a nice song!
Page Thirty One:
He looks away! I am no longer in his power thought Mark.
Whack! Thud!
You will pay for that, you little fool!
Assassin! Help!
Out of my way horrible little fools!
Page Thirty Two:
Don't stand there! Run for the sergeant, children!
Immediately sir!
The moment after.
What are you kids talking about?
Like we said, Sergeant! A horrible two legged reptile!
You must believe me now!
The children have seen it, as I have seen it!
Impossible! The professor is a great philanthropist!
A benefactor to humanity!
It was the teacher, yes, sergeant!
The two-legged reptile even had the same ring as him!
Gah! If I tell this to my boss, He is quite capable of having me locked up with you!
You must, Sergeant! Quickly!
Page Thirty Three:
It was not easy.
Hey! Are you crazy, sergeant!?
You know me well, Lieutenant! I don't tell jokes! It's the truth!
What's going on John?
A crazy thing! Finish dinner, without me!
But we are not in Finland? This translation is crazy, crazy I tell you!
And thus, in the end.
I hope you are not telling lies! Because I know how to make you regret it!
I swear to you lieutenant!
Besides, in your place, I would have your men carry their arms!
A little after.
A hunting, we will go, a hunting we will go! I say Capital sport what!
Eyes front! March!
Page Thirty Four:
During this time.
My blood is heating up in my veins!
It forces me to grow! I am de-metamorphosing!
Cursed Bowen! He destroyed everything! I must disappear!
The potion! Lots of potions! Without it I am nothing!
But I have not said my last word!
A little later.
Are we to go in?
Stop! I have to follow the rules!
Professor Androphis! Police! Please open the door to me!
You are kidding lieutenant!
You are not dealing with some pickpocket!
Page Thirty Five:
There is a light up there!
Burning in the fireplace! There is a light, in the darkness of everybody’s life!
Can we take a look out the window?
I will do it, I who know the house well!
Nobody around, and the window can be pushed open!
I can enter!
I will quickly open the house to the police, thought Mark.
Come quickly! He must be in his laboratory!
That is what I thought! They will follow me step by step.
Page Thirty Six:
Everything is demolished here!
He went through it all!
Adieu Bowen! Hiss! Hiss!
Fast! Quickly!
Following Mark, the police rush into the basement and.
Eh? What is this?
I said goodbye. To all of you too!
Hiss, hiss! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Hey? But?
Another gate has closed behind us!
Page Thirty Seven:
Now let us have a good laugh you fools.
For I will send you charming companions.
A passage is open over there!
Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!
Too bad for you.
You will not live long enough to see how famous I'll be anytime soon.
Page Thirty Eight:
I will even the odds with a gunshot!
No! The pellets would ricochet from all the walls and we would be injured!
Mister! You were his assistant!
You must know how to deal with these horrible beasts!
You and your men must all whistle together something very sad, all at the same time!
Yes! Do what I tell you!
Let’s go! "The swallow of the suburbs" for example.
Or “Famous Italian Battles”.
Ah, we're going to charm them, like the Indian trainers!
Got it. And meanwhile, what will you do?
Exactly! What did Mark Bowen propose to do?
And what new crimes will Reptile still commit?
Don't miss the next episode in Sunny Sun!
That will appear at the beginning of March!
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