Confession Does Not Save! (Romans 10:9-13 in Context) | PART 1

1 year ago

This three part series is tackling the oft misunderstood portion of scripture; Romans 10:9-13. What is the proper understanding of this passage in light of the scripture? Does confession play a role in salvation, and what does it mean to call on the name of the Lord?


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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#romans10 #confession #call #bibleline #real #truth #pastorjessemartinez #romans9 #romans11 #confess #salvation #righteousness #jew #israel

so the only way that a person could
and have righteousness put to their
account as a result in that belief is
that they believe on Jesus
hey welcome back to Bible line I'm your
host Pastor Jesse Martinez
and today is the first video in a series
of three videos that we are going to be
addressing Romans chapter 10 verses 9
through 13. and there's a reason why
we're going to do this I think this is
very important
I want you to uh kind of stop what
you're doing listen to what I'm saying
because I want to be very clear I strive
for clarity Simplicity plainness I
believe the Bible is a practical book
and so we can understand it on a
practical level and for those of you who
have already put your faith in Jesus
Christ and you have eternal life you
have the Holy Spirit in you which is
leading you guiding you and directing
you into all truth
but there's a reason for these three
videos and I want those reasons to be
made known I've I've written them out
the first one I've already said is for
the sake of clarity and Assurance to
those who are seeking whether you're
already in the faith meaning you've
already been born again by put placing
your faith in Jesus Christ or you may be
coming across this video because you've
heard a lot of people say that you have
to verbally do or say something in order
to be saved and you're confused
I want Simplicity and I want Clarity the
second thing is that there's a very
prevalent movement online here
it's the new uh new international fund
our new independent fundamental Baptist
I always say International but
and the new ifb is
there's kind of a split going on right
now I would look at it as a split they
would probably disagree and that's fine
where there is a serious
misinterpretation of this passage and I
call it serious because it is telling a
lost person that unless they physically
do something unless they say something
in particular after what a man tells
them they cannot have eternal life and
within the the uh nifb there are
differences of opinions there are some
that say you do not have to confess but
then they will say confession is
required and there are some who totally
deny the confession of Jesus's Lord is
required and there are some who hold so
hard to it that they're beginning to
split their own camp
um I have never met Norm Diamante myself
but we have talked on the phone and
we've talked over text and uh Norm has
come under attack for stuff like this
and I think it's silly and that's not
the function of Bible line to get into
drama and stuff but we do want to teach
clearly but uh there are teachers on the
YouTube channels right now that are
making a verbal confession requirement
for salvation and I want to address that
in context that's why we're taking three
videos to do this we're going to look in
context and the final purpose is the
context of Romans 10 sets the
expectation for confession being
mentioned by Paul because of Deuteronomy
chapter 30. and that's why he goes into
that and so we're going to look at that
today we're going to start looking at
the context next week Lord willing we
will look at the verse itself now that
we have set the context and then the
following week the last part of this
we will follow up with everything that
we've learned and try to tie it together
it's not my intent to twist the
scriptures and you're going to see
that's not what we're going to do
I want you to start in Romans chapter
nine okay so take your Bible Romans
chapter nine we're gonna go all the way
to verse number 30. if you have a study
Bible I'm using esword as an example but
you can also be using like a Scofield or
a Shaffer or a ryrie study Bible a lot
of times they have these breaks where
they introduce new paragraphs many come
to the consensus that this is a new
paragraph which is just establishing a
change of thought
Paul is talking here about Israel's
unbelief in what that Jesus Christ was
the Messiah now I want you to start
thinking this way when you hear Jesus
Christ Jesus the Christ okay Christ is
not his last name you've heard me say
that and I don't mean that to be
humorous but a lot of people don't know
that Christ is his title he is
fulfilling the Messiah the Jew is
looking for the Christ today they're
looking for the Christ they do not
believe that Jesus was the Christ the
Messiah the anointed one okay that's why
the Bible talks about an anti-christ
there will be somebody who does not
possess the last name Christ but they
are trying to fulfill that role of the
Messiah but they are the Antichrist
they're not the Christ and that is who
the Jew will believe on for salvation
for proper standing with God
Paul is saying here
the Jews have not believed they're in
unbelief unbelief of what that Jesus is
the Christ
having understood that look at Roman
nines Roman chapter 9 and verse 30. what
shall we say then that the Gentiles
which followed not after righteousness
now what kind of righteousness is he
talking about
you're going to see here in a moment
which followed not after righteousness
have attained to righteousness even the
righteousness which is of Faith verse 31
but Israel which followed after the law
of righteousness hath not attained to
the law of righteousness understand my
point here very clearly what is being
said is that the Gentiles have attained
to righteousness which is of faith that
means the non-jew which is called a
gentile in scripture has attained
righteousness by faith
in Romans chapter 3 goes through that
and we need to look at that what does it
mean to attain righteousness by faith
and how can we contrast that to the Jew
which in verse 31 says has followed
after the law of righteousness but they
have not attained that what's the
difference let's take a look
by the way don't forget we have an audio
exclusive podcast on Bible line you can
follow us everywhere where you would get
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all of this stuff uh the transcription
stuff but we also have an audio
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make sure you go over there and check it
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even make a video like today's video
let's get back to our topic
Romans 3 starting in verse 24.
being justified freely by his grace
through the Redemption that is in Christ
Jesus verse 25 whom God hath set forth
to be a propitiation a substitute
through faith in his blood to declare
his righteousness for the remission of
sins that are passed through the
forbearance of God to declare I say at
this time his righteousness that he
might be just and the justifier of him
which believeth in Jesus so the
righteousness of faith is belief in
Jesus Christ shed blood for your sins
27. where is boasting then it is
excluded by what law of what works nay
but by the law of Faith 28 therefore we
conclude that a man is justified by
faith without the Deeds of the law now
you go back to Romans chapter 9 in verse
31 and you see that Israel is trying to
establish their righteousness by keeping
the law
Romans 9 31 but Israel which followed
after the law of righteousness meaning
they followed after it they tried to
keep it but the verse concludes hath not
attained to the law of righteousness
verse 32 wherefore that's old kjv4 why
why here's why
they sought it not by faith
there's a clear difference
you would T you you attain the
righteousness of God by faith in Jesus
Christ's blood his payment for your sin
you do not attain the righteousness of
God by keeping the law and where is
Israel are they Believing on Jesus shed
blood or are they Believing on the good
works that they can maintain the good
works that they can maintain this is
very important to understand
look what it says because this is verse
32 Romans 9 because they sought it not
by faith but as it were by The Works of
the law for they stumbled at The
Stumbling Stone
as it is written behold I lay in Zion a
stumbling Stone a rock of offense and
whosoever believeth on him shall not be
ashamed what's the stumbling block the
law no
the stumbling block is Jesus
Jesus is the stumbling block to the Jew
why because they're still trying to keep
the law
now we go into chapter 10. you see why
context is so important now we go into
chapter 10. if we were to cut the
divisions if we were to cut Romans 10 or
Romans 9 and 10 the chapter divisions
you can see here Paul he really escapes
you've stumbled at the one who you
believe on and they will not be ashamed
but then he has compassion through the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit here we
see the compassion of Paul verse 1
Romans 10 Brethren my heart's desire and
prayer to God for Israel is
that they might be saved
context what are we going to see in
Romans 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and
that Israel would be saved
verse 2 for I bear them record he says
this is what I see of them this is their
evidence that they have a zeal
of God but not according to knowledge I
wonder what he means and I know that's a
sarcastic statement but look at verse
three here's their Zeal but lack of
knowledge for they being ignorant of
God's righteousness and going about to
establish their own righteousness have
not submitted themselves unto the
righteousness of God verse 3 is so very
important Israel has not believed they
have sought to attain their own
they have not submitted themselves unto
the righteousness of God and how do we
receive that righteousness verse 4 says
for Christ is the end of the law for
righteousness to everyone that believeth
there is no confession here
and when I when he says Christ here I
believe he has Jesus in mind
because he says to everyone that
believeth the Jew believes that there is
a Christ but that he has not come yet so
the only way that a person could believe
and have righteousness put to their
account as a result in that belief is
that they believe on Jesus not just that
there is a Christ because the Jew would
agree with you there is a Christ but he
hasn't come yet and we would disagree
disagree and agree with the Bible which
says Jesus is the way that we believe
unto the righteousness that God has to
give so that's the context okay now next
video we're going to go into verses 5
through probably 13. now that we've set
the context which is this what is the
for Israel to be saved they are denying
faith in Christ brings about the
of God they are trying to attain the
righteousness by the law which they
cannot keep and they've demonstrated
faith in Jesus brings about the
righteousness of God so everything that
Paul says from here he's going to go to
the Jewish mind he's going to bring up
things that Moses said and he's going to
show even Moses taught that you needed a
brand new nature a brand new
and we'll talk about that next week
this is good stuff I hope you're paying
attention and following along share this
share this to the ends of the Earth
honestly I think this is so important
until next time keep looking up Jesus
Christ is coming soon God bless you
we'll see you next week if you enjoyed
today's episode of Bible line make sure
to subscribe to the channel and share
this video with a friend do you have a
Bible question send us an email
questions at and we'll do our
best to get you an answer or you can
leave your question in the comments of
this video be sure to check the links in
the description for more clear Bible
teaching Bible in is a Ministry of
Calgary Community church located in
Tampa Florida

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