The Reign Of King Charles - The Word Cloud Tarot Show - 06 May 2023

1 year ago

The Reign Of King Charles - The Word Cloud Tarot Show - 06 May 2023

### The Reign Of King Charles

Today is the #coronation of #charles3 so
what will his reign be like?
consults the #tarot deck to do a deep dive into
the threads leading to this monarch's reign,
and how it will all turn out.

### Best Hope - 12 Of Wands, Knight

What do we want from a monarch? Someone who is
_wilful_ and _forceful_, but
_inspiring_ and _ambitious_ who is well
_respected_, _strong_,
with an _instinctive_ feel for _power_.
A _vital_ and _vigorous_ _knight_,
_distracting_ us with _thrilling_
_unforgettable_ stunts.

### History - 11 Of Swords, Page

But what we get in history is
_chatty_, _gregarious_ and _loquacious_ rulers who
are _unconcerned_ with the common man,
_witty_ and _affable_ perhaps, but also
_indifferent_ and _disdainful_.
_devout_, _assiduous_ and _formal_,
but _impatient_ and _irritable_.

### External - 4 Of Pentacles, Power

The king is thought to be a source of _power_ but
really that is all external to him. A king is nothing
without _finance_ and the _institutions_ of state
that give him _money_ and _security_ and allow
the _conservation_ of _funding_ and _strength_.

The kings face may be on the _money_, but it's the money
and the state external to him that gives him power.

### Internal - 12 Of Trumps, Hangedman

Internally the institution is _interrupted_
power _relinquished_ and _ceded_ from one symbol to the next
is a _crisis_ for institution.
It shows the _detachment_ from _reality_ and the
_refusal_ to _relinquish_ or _abdicate_ or _sacrifice_.

### Waning - 3 Of Wands, Virtue

We lose the influence of the old _virtuous_ queen:
_fairness_ and _humility_ are on the way out.
She had _competence_ and _prescience_,
she was _one_ with the state and
had the _integrity_ and _prudence_ to
_manage_ with _acumen_ and _confidence_,
she was _credible_ and _virtuous_
but that is all over now.

### Waxing - 7 Of Cups, Debauch

Instead we have a _bewildered_ king, a _lazy_ _fraud_ ,
_deluded_ and _debauched_, _depraved_ and _incompetent_.
He has _cronies_ all around him and will _mismanage_ his reign with
_corruption_, _excess_ and _gluttony_.

### Now - 1 Of Wands, Ace

So right now as the crown is crowned, we have a _culmination_
of _recent_ _groundwork_. This is a moment of new beginning, when a
new era begins. There are new _ideas_ around and a _renaissance_
could happen. There is _potential_ for a new _existence_

### Obstacles - 2 Of Pentacles, Change

There are _progressive_ forces,
_new_ and _radical_ and _innovative_,
who offer a _balancing_ _opposition_
to the old guard and the elite.
A _endeavour_ from _below_ to seek
_freedom_ and _adaptability_.

Can the king overcome the forces of
progressivism and change?

### Outcome - 2 Of Wands, Dominion

No, he will _undermine_ the republicans,
his _strategy_ and _circumstance_
make his position _durable_,
In tumultuous times, the people seek _stability_ and _rigidity_ and _subjection_.
in many minds he is the _country_ itself.
He has the _budget_ and the _supremacy_ to exert _dominion_

So he long will reign over us.

### Summary

What you want from a head of state is an inspiring
knightly distraction, respected and strong with
an instinctive feel for power.

What we've been getting from monarchs is loquacious
rulers indifferent to the concerns of the common man.

The rulers power comes not from themselves,
but from the institutions external to them,
the money and strength,

Internally this is a dangerous time for a monarch,
when the old is dead and the new must be born.

The old monarch was virtuous, but the new is debauched.

This could be a moment of change, a culmination
bringing about new ideas.

The king must overcome these forces for changes,
the progressive opposition that wants freedom

And indeed he will do so, the people seek
security and he is a symbol of security,
his budget will ensure we all stay subjugated
and his dominion is assured.

Long will live the king, and the monarchy,
they have the power to keep the power,
whether they deserve it or not.

### Next time:

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