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Sit Down with Michelle | Day 1 Vancouver Summary | National Citizens Inquiry

1 year ago

Michelle Leduc Catlin provides a comprehensive summary of Day 1 of the NCI Vancouver hearings, with a focus on the theme of truth-telling and the power it holds in setting us free. Michelle shares personal stories of gaslighting experienced by vaccine-injured witnesses from their doctors, highlighting the importance of providing a platform for those who have been silenced. She then expertly summarizes the expert testimonies presented during the hearing, providing viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered and the issues at hand. Tune in to this informative video to gain insights into the NCI Vancouver hearings and the critical importance of truth-telling in our society.



  • 0/2000
  • Thank you for all you do. God bless you all.

  • I know you will be in Ottawa next, but is there anyway you can come closer to the people in Mid Western Ontario? It is so far to go to Toronto or Ottawa. But I will see what can be done, so many voices to be heard from. Or is there some other way for people to tell their story?

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  • Ooh ooh, look! Peckford's miffed about lack of impartiality on the NCI. And he's a legal client of the founders of the NCI. What's going on here? https://peckford42.wordpress.com/2023/05/09/i-seem-to-be-getting-special-attention-from-the-leadership-of-the-national-citizens-inquiry/

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