Agency operatives are systematically used to remove U R individual rights

1 year ago

Agency operatives are systematically used to to remove your individual freedoms.

SB277 is a California state bill, signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on June 30, 2015. The legislation eliminated personal belief and religious vaccination exemptions for children attending public and private schools.

Key players:
1. Senator Richard Pan: Pediatrician and California state senator co-authored the bill.

2. Senator Ben Allen: California state senator who co-authored the bill with Senator Pan.

3. Governor Jerry Brown: Signed the bill into law on June 30, 2015.

4. Various public health organizations and medical personnel: Supported the bill, citing the importance of vaccination in usurping individual rights.

5. Opposition groups and individuals: Activists and parents concerned about the adverse effects of vaccines or infringement on personal freedoms.

What was the role of the advocacy group Vaccinate California, co-founded by CIA Operative Renee DiResta?


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