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How We Allowed Politicians to Sell Us The Pandemic -Dr. David Martin | Brussels, Belgium

1 year ago

(EU Parliament, Brussel | May 3, 2023) Dr. David E. Martin assesses that the pandemic ultimately was not caused by politicians.

*Interview with Dr. Martin coming soon.

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  • 0/2000
  • David Martin hits another truth bullseye!!!

  • Thanks for your insightful look at this bs Sage. There’s a full scale war against the people in course and plants like Martin spout new agey blame against the targeted populations. This week in the Northeast we were attacked with smoke warfare. The sky became bright orange and the heavy smoke was filled with particulate matter. I only walked about 5 blocks in it and not at its peak and my throat’s been scratchy ever since. I’ve had some success in relieving it with a Eucalyptus steam bath (which could probably be recreated with steaming water or towels with eucalyptus essence). The morning after I was expelling a lot of mucus and my throat feels much better. I think the steam moistened my throat and my body was able to expel most of it.

  • We are flesh and blood men and women and we are the people and they are under us.

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  • his opening is not quite right. we ARE brpoken, but the brokenness is that of SIN and only God can heal it. but of coorse the elties etc are taking advantage of this fact of brokenness to justify their own quack cures and in so doing the elites only confirm their own brokenness: MORe broken than we are , I might add, for power corrupts

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  • Deny the brokenness as Dr Martin does here and yet the brokenness remains and if we deny the brokenness that makes as patsies and gulls open to receive the next quack cure from those bad actors the elites who exploiut the fact of brokenness but deny the real nature of it, ie SIN this is where Dr Martin offers his prescription to the probloem. and as usual; though his description is brilliant, this, how he wants it resolved. is very poor. it is religion and philosophy, not the science and analysis he does so superbly well

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  • See the Governor of New Mexico Michelle Lujan Grisham who used Article 10A NMSA Public Health Emergency and the scary definition of Quarantine Pay attention. This is Orwellian and will make you crazy.

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