1 year ago

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If you’ve ever actually researched human behaviour at a high level,

you’d understand the importance of environment.

When you are surrounded by the ruthless, you become more ruthless.

The sad, sad.

The average, average.

Every trait and thought of the things you read, the people you are around,
it all naturally rubs off on you, it’s gravity.

It’s a well-studied fact.

What you do with this fact, is the difference between the stupid and the intelligent.

Stupid people do not abuse this universal law.

They don’t use it to their advantage.

They don’t ruthlessly cut out the shit influences of their life.

They don’t relentlessly search to add positive ones.

They actively resist a gravitational pull toward loser Dom their entire life...

When it takes a FRACTION of that effort to change the direction gravity pulls them.

You’re subscribed to my mailing list,

You most likely follow me on Twitter,

You have set a good influence within your life.

Apply the lessons and watch yourself be pulled towards success naturally.

- Tate
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