5/5: TRESPASSING IS NO LONGER LEGAL? | 4 US banks crash in 2 months: Banking crisis explained

1 year ago


Start your weekend with Friday’s set of independent videos to watch for 5/5 at the indiemedia.today Substack. #CincoDeMayo #SupportIndependentMedia:

⭐ This state *Just* took back property owners rights [TRESPASSING IS NO LONGER LEGAL]: SquirrelTribe
⭐ 4 US banks crash in 2 months: Banking crisis explained by economist Michael Hudson: Geopolitical Economy Report
⭐ Why the US Gov HATES Workers and Unions | What Is MAY DAY: Richard Medhurst
⭐ The US Just Took HUGE Steps To War with China w/ Brian Berletic and Reporterfy Media: Danny Haiphong
⭐ Mainstream Media Covers This Topic 1,000% Too Much: Moment of Clarity with Lee Camp
⭐ Confronting Mainstream Media About Hersh Pipeline Story | Jose Vega | @JosBTrigga @ReadeAlexandra: Tara Reade

Watch original, AD-FREE video content at our ROKFIN channel: https://rokfin.com/indleftnews

Proud founding member of https://IndieNews.Network - a collaborative network of independent content creators who challenge narratives

Music: “Redpilled” by Jesse Jett https://jessejett.bandcamp.com

#SupportIndependentMedia #news #analysis #GeneralStrike #FreeAssangeNOW #mutualaid #FreeJonathanWall #FreeLeonardPeltier #DropTheCharges #JournalismIsNotACrime #FreeDanielHale #FreeMumiaAbuJamal

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