5May23 With Captions Proud Boys vs TN3; Ventilator Deaths; Pentagon's Covid War; Technoshamanism

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

Hundreds of thousands killed from TrumpShot & Biden mandate — yet no justice for the mass murderers. Instead those 2 are frontrunners in the next "selection" 3:12

Temporal correlation between vaccine use and deaths. 8:51

Germany makes a shock admission on the Covid-19 mask mandate. 18:55

Pentagon began monitoring "Covid-19 disinfo" BEFORE anyone was talking about it, BEFORE the WHO knew it existed, 2 months before it was named, 3 months BEFORE it was declared a pandemic. It was and is a WAR against citizens. 22:01

Medical Martial Law, the military industrial complex and the Moderna Conspiracy 37:45

Covid Vaccines become a new source of organ donors — and fatal conditions passed along to recipients 54:41

Northwestern University study shows BACTERIAL INFECTION, NOT CYTOKINE STORM, killed most people — and VENTILATORS were major cause. 1:05:13

Proud Boys: Biden Admin Guilty of Political Persecution. They'll be sending a dozen people to jail for life in a hypocritical politicized persecution 1:08:04

#Jan6 vs #TN3: Which Better Fits Definition of "Insurrection"?
Biden celebrated and embraced the "Tennessee 3" for a "protest" that was much more of an "insurrection" than what they will claim happened on J6. 1:18:04

Will artificial intelligence take 14 million jobs by 2027? Will you be a part of THAT economy or do you want to be free? 1:38:39

Ed Sheeran wins copyright case but what are issues going forward with abuse of copyright? If A.I. can create copyright claims will AI kill music, writing, art? 1:53:53

"Technoshamanism": Tech Breeds Irrational "Spirituality"
Materialists said science would be the end of religion. Yet pagan religion is getting a rebirth with tech as demonstrated in Germany's "Technoshamanism" exhibit. So what is breeding superstition? Is religion anti-science? What are the culture forces feeding irrationality? 2:03:45

First they came for the cars, then furnaces and stoves and now — Biden Administration Orders Catholic Hospital to Snuff Out Sanctuary Candles
Tyrants hate competition from religion 2:13:41

Top western us meteorologist hits out at clickbait stories about "climate change" 2:22:09

Will RFK Jr Call for Gates or Schwab to be Jailed or Killed?
He rightly says Gates is rigging "climate change" for his own benefit and "giving climate chaos a bad name". He called for jail or execution of oil executives, will he do the same for "green washing" crony capitalists like Gates, Klaus Schwab and Musk? Will he call for green subsidies to be removed as well as oil subsidies? 2:33:30

Dictator Dan Andrews defends Drag Storytime and accuses critics of pedos and groomers of "hate crime". 2:43:58

"Save the Males!" Governments are Concerned About Chick Culling
The same leftist "Western" governments that hate males are concerned that male chicks are being culled so they want to mandate they be aborted before they hatch — BUT THEY'RE CONCERNED ABOUT NOT ABORTING THEM WHEN THEY'RE MATURE ENOUGH TO FEEL PAIN. 2:54:00

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