J.S. Bach – Motet: “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied”, Part 1 (Double Double-Reed Choir)

1 year ago

Among Bach’s vocal music, none are performed as much as his motets. “Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied” is the first of these and displays among his most glorious compositions. The piece is offered in two parts, this being Part 1.

This is an arrangement by Richard Byrnes for two antiphonal choirs (Choir 1 – 2 Oboes, English Horn, 3 Bassoons & Choir 2 - 2 Oboes, English Horn, 3 Bassoons).

It may be purchased at sheetmusicplus.com & sheetmusicdirect.com

In addition to many works by J.S. Bach, we offer works by Brahms, Debussy, Dvorák, Fauré, Glazounov, Glinka, Gottschalk, Granados, Griffes, Lotti, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Ravel, Richard Strauss, and Turina.

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