FDA and Pfakester are Baby KILLERS: Pfakester knew 💉 cause FETAL DEATHS (short)

1 year ago

Dr. Naomi Wolf's latest presentation is worth watching, but ... (Link)

This is one of the better presentations I have watched concerning the marketing of the COVID-19 vaccine, indicating the involvement of a foreign country. It is pretty scary. It is worth watching.

However, my main concern is her (Dr. Wolf's) reliance on technical/scientific data interpretation by the (medical) experts, which is unfortunately inaccurate.

She talked about the spike protein (distribution, metabolism, and excretion) at the beginning (around 12 min) of her presentation. Unfortunately, this is how medical experts understand and describe it, but this is not scientifically correct. There cannot be a virus spike protein available or present. No one has a specimen of it as it can only be obtained from the COVID-19 virus, which no one has isolated.

That is why it is so difficult to decipher the fraud because, most of the time, people assume that medical experts know the science behind viruses and vaccines. This is, unfortunately, not true. Virology (virus isolation, identification) and the mRNA, spike protein, and vaccine can only be understood appropriately with a strong chemistry/science background. The experts lack knowledge and training in the relevant science. Hence, they were fooled, and it is impossible to get out of by using the same approach that created the situation. For example, scientifically, it was very clear from the start that:

1. There is no virus. Therefore, there can't be an associated RNA or spike protein available.
2. Without the availability of the virus, RNA, or spike protein, developing a test or detecting them is impossible. Therefore, there cannot be COVID-19. Period!
3. As no virus specimen is available, developing an appropriate valid vaccine or any other treatment is impossible. Indeed, vaccines have been developed without testing in COVID-19 patients, as no patients were available.
4. Science/chemistry clearly described the authorities' inappropriate and invalid assessment of the mRNA vaccine before their introduction.

All have been described clearly and extensively based on well-established scientific/chemical principles here (Helpful Notes) and are now summarised and explained in a recently published (book). Please have a look.

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