Apr 28, Canada's Bill C-11

1 year ago

So, Canadians woke up to the news of Bill C-11 passing a week ago.

Whats this mean for us? Tow the line or get in trouble.

Hey Canadians (& World), lest we forget the Ants movie. The ants & the grasshoppers. There are billions more of us than them.. & they know it!

Why the censorship? Because we're winning. The deep state is losing. All the scandal that continues to come out re T & his Government, now phase 1 of the gun grab is starting as of this past week too. Nothing to see here, censor it.

When is enough enough? Are we tired of all the poison/MRNA/plastic in food, cancer fake meat, how about the lines in the skies?

Your conspiracy friends are already censored. They may be sharing info, but are you seeing it?

I did a garden update Thurs. There was a bee.. I went off about herbicides, pesticides & fungicides, all these "icides," end of the day, "humanicides".. which I thought was a word I'd made up speaking to a Client re the lines in the sky, it's a word.. & I looked up in the video, & BAM, right above our house, X marks the spot.

They Super sprayed Thurs, the days prior.. throw in HAARP &/or the towers & you just watch the spray from the planes fan out, frequency-like, not natural.. hot weekend ahead, I'm sure there's no connection. They call it "Climate Change," I call it "Psychopath Elite Change." People aren't speaking about the poles that have shifted.. seasons are changing naturally or otherwise.

With Bill C-11, we can't have the convos online? No big deal, you know how many people I speak with in a day?? Start speaking to the people in your Community. Let people know they are not alone.

Convo with a Client last week. Started with banking stuff. Lead to "conspiracy" stuff. "Did you take it?" "God no. You?" "No. I lost my job as a nurse over it." She could not believe the bs, lies & censorship of the past years. We shared platforms where we've been finding our alternative information.. & also discussed the fact of how disgusting its been we've even had to go looking, that everything's been censored, one opinion, one side of the story, coverups.. Bill C-11 isn't gonna help.

Keep an eye on the American (& Canadian) dollar. It's falling fast. There's a new standard in town, the BRICS nations. Be prepared, have assets. Have gold &/or silver, have food, have seeds, have tools & materials, have gas, power, water filtration.. be prepared! Our Ancestors would look at most of us today & go, "What the heck child??" Know the "weeds" & edible wild foods in your area.

I gave the Manager my notice last Sun.. he told the Owner Mon, I was fired on the spot.. then rehired Tues. It was fun times being fired on Mon.. just like Tucker Carlson, ahhh yeah! Happy to be finishing the job as loosely planned though.. & Very excited for the future!!

No real plans for after quitting. The World is my oyster! I love that job, but just.. it's time for something else. I miss being an entrepreneur, I'll probably try to figure out something on my own again. That &/or help my beautiful friends in the Community with their businesses & aligned dreams.

I wanna do more videos, get the news out in a more timely manner. We need to share our voices, people need to know they're not alone! Especially now!!

Was talking to Freddy Stone https://m.twitch.tv/freddystone/about about life & moving forward. I asked if he knew how to monetize on Rumble, surprisingly he'd never heard of it! But so the convo lead to how we're the media now!

Peace & Love friends! Keep spreading the good times, happiness & smiles!

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