BREAKING! - FBI boss GRILLED about Mar-a-lago raid! - 4/27/2023

1 year ago

(April 27, 2023) During a budget hearing last week #FBI director Chris Wray was questioned about the #Maralago raid, #J6 Geo-location data and the Las Vegas mass-shooting. White nationalism, racism or domestic extremism wasn't mentioned at all by the FBI director as a top priority for the FBI for the next fiscal this year. Instead China, cyber-security, Fentanyl, Mexican cartels, human trafficking and a generic "increase in violence" was mentioned.

Overall, most members of congress on both sides went very easy on FBI director Chris Wray. Of course, this was just a few days BEFORE the bombshell news broke about the FBI cover-up of #BribenBiden.

For the most part, the Democrats and the Republicans were putting on a show, telling us that many more Americans will DIE if there is a 22% cut to the FBI budget. Rep. David Trone [D-MD] gave the FBI boss a chance to bestow kudos upon the FBI when the FBI boss had complained about being "unfairly criticized". Thorne also made a point of asking Wray twice who appointed him (which was President Trump); but neither Thorne nor Wray added that Wray was Chris Christe's attorney during the Bridgegate scandal and was the one who referred Wray to Trump, who being news to Washington D.C., knew nothing at all about Chris Wray at the time.

FYI: Jake Ellzey [R-TX] pointed out to Rep. David Trone's ignorance on the Fentanyl crisis, that's it's not "demand" (addiction), because the vast majority of deaths were by poisoning, not overdoses.

Chris Wray was given every chance to explain to us why the FBI is very important and why we shouldn't have any budget cuts (not even for his private luxury jet). Wray had plenty of time to speak. Robert T. Aderholt [R-Al] chastised him for a poor job on intellectual theft by China; and Ben Cline [R-VA] chastised him for a poor job on FISA reform. But the real exception was Andrew Clyde [R-GA], who hit the mark with the FBI's raid on Mar-a-lago, background checks for firearms (NICS) and the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. Of course, the FBI boss did an artful job of dodging all the questions.

FYI: Listen carefully to John Carter [R] Texas and Dutch Ruppersberger [D] Maryland with Chris Wray about "violent criminals" and bail (it reminded me of the #J6 detainees in D.C. and the Democrats who want all local law enforcement answering to the federal government.)

(Opinion by C-SPAN) FBI Director Christopher Wray testified on President Biden’s 2024 budget request for the agency before a House Appropriations subcommittee. He emphasized the threat that the Chinese government poses to the U.S., saying that China’s cyber hacking program is bigger than those of all other nations combined, with its hackers outnumbering FBI personnel by a ratio of about 50-to-1. Also, committee members pressed him about cracking down on fentanyl cartels, re-authorization of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and an anticipated surge in illegal immigration amid the upcoming expiration of Title 42 in May 2023. In response to accusations of the FBI being politically biased against Republicans, Director Wray said, “people’s standard for whether they think something was fair, or objective, or independent boils down to whether or not they like the outcome.”

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