Metamaterial Refraction: 4 vs -4 Bowl+scn.det.– important 2 comprehend C. Earth #SC #Physics

1 year ago

In nature strongly below circa 100 km altitude it is blue/yellow – read on proper pages how it is called|
|Analogy of sky layering firmament metamaterial – that is material with negative optical refraction index characteristics (nature) (on the RIGHT pic. on starting/cover part). It doesn't matter strict production technology – goys you're terribly DEVIATED – more important rather is what crap US pastors silenced by not speaking all this. JEWSUS I HAVE FAITH IN, WAS CLEVER JEW, NOT ANY STUPID ROMAN HYBRID AS SOME BELIEVE — AS SOME OF YOU ARE CONSTANTLY PERPETUALLY LYING PIGS TO EUROPE & UKRAINE!!!!!! YOU RUSSIAN AGENTS DE FACTO!!!!! YOU AMERICA SMALL CHEAP SATANISTS

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