Zombie lane Episode 13 Waitress Zombie s1

1 year ago

https://bit.ly/31QtNPv (Condo for Rent) SMDC Trees near SM Fairview
https://bit.ly/34bMYF2 AFFORDABLE COACH bag for sale
Smart Cellphone number: +639615799779

Zombie lane is a free to play PC, IOS, Android game

This my playthrough of the game

Strategy, Adventure, Horror

I got mine from the google play store. But I seems the developers already pulled it out.
For those of you who still wants the game try googling the apk of the game.

After attacking press "X". So you can move away faster. This is very effective against strong zombies and my prevent for hitting you.

Use decoration as a wall to prevent zombies from getting near to your fence.

Visit your neighbor after using all your energy.

When visiting a neighbor harvest food. Food can be exchange for energy.

Do not sell your collection, some items maybe need in future mission.

Use the move feature to safely scout the whole area.

Using the move feature gather all the unused fences.

HP: 2


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