Clade X 2018 - Catastrophic Contagion 2023/2025.

1 year ago

The Number Of His Name at work.

Obama born August 4th 1961 the 216th Day of the year. 6x6x6 = 216 = Revelation 13:18 King James Bible.

Revelation Chapter 13 - 14 - 15. King James Bible.

Revelation chapter 13:17 and Revelation chapter 15:2. The number of his name. Obama's birth numbers.

Movie Pi Faith In Chaos 1998.

Wikipedia Page number 216. Read in other Fields follow links.

Obama Chicago/US Senator Days.

10th January 1997 + 408 weeks (48) = 4th November 2004
4th January 2005 + 201 Weeks 6 Days (216) = 16th November 2008.

10th January 1997. Starts Political Career.

+ 8461 Days (Obama born 8.4.61)

= World Health Organization Declares Covid 19 a Global Pandemic 11th March 2020.

Clade X Tabletop Exercise Washington DC USA 15th May 2018.

+ 666 Days (Rev 13:18)

= World Health Organization Declares Covid 19 a Global Pandemic 11th March 2020.

Event 201 NYC USA 18th October 2019. A Global Pandemic Exercise. John Hopkins and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

One Month later...

Official Covid 19 Patient zero Wuhan China 17th November 2019.

+ 2 Months 16 Weeks (216)

= World Health Organization Declares Covid 19 a Global pandemic 11th March 2020.

+ 666 Days = 6th January 2022

+ 8 Months 4 Days = (8.4) 10th September 2022

+ 6 Weeks 1 Day (61)

= Catastrophic Contagion. A Global challenge Exercise. John Hopkins and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 23rd October 2022.

May 2024 World Health Organization Global Pandemic Treaty to be signed by Member states.

Catastrophic Contagion to have gone "Live" by 2025 as their programming says.

January 20th 2025.

US President Inauguration Day.

Welcome to the New World Order.

New Years Day 1.1.2000. A New Century...

+ 18 Years = (216 Months) 6 + 6 + 6 = 18.

+ 7 Years = (84 Months)

= January 2025. The Beast Man Returns.

Buckle up....

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