Who Killed Jordan Neely? America’s Lethal, Anti-Family Culture & Hatred of Law Enforcement | Ep 438

1 year ago

“No one has truly cared about Jordan Neely since his mother died 16 years ago. No one cares today. People care about the color of the former Marine who choked Jordan Neely. Black life does not matter. White perpetrators of black death are what really matter.” Political opportunists are ready to turn Jordan Neely into the new St. George Floyd. Law enforcement officer Zeek Arkham joins the show to talk about how the Jordan Neely tragedies occur too often and how to deal with them. He also addresses his Twitter beef with Delano Squires. “Fearless” contributor Delano Squires joins us to respond to Zeek and also to discuss what impact incidents like these will leave on Americans. Lastly, former New York Giants wide receiver David Tyree joins us again to talk about five-star Alabama recruit Tony Mitchell's recent arrest for marijuana and evading the police. Tyree shares how it is similar to a situation he went through when he was young.

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