Die Deutsche Wochenschau Part 1 - June -Nov. 1939

1 year ago

Friends, please keep in mind, this footage is from 1939…almost 100 years old, so please don’t complain about the quality. The Quality is at Best unrestored VHS quality. The historic value here is important, please enjoy the complete 1939-1945 German WW2 NewsReels.
Die Deutsche Wochenschau was the title of the unified newsreel series released in the cinemas of Nazi Germany from June 1940 until the end of World War II. The coordinated newsreel production was set up as a vital instrument for the mass distribution of Nazi propaganda at war.
All reels are in Original unedited German Language only.

PART  1:   JUNE - NOVEMBER 1939  (160 MIN.):

The German fleet visits Scapa Flow; Navy Day in Rome; Goebbels visits Danzig; Naval Exercises on the Danube; Poland interferes with free trade in Danzig; The creation of a home guard in Danzig; German refugees report Polish mistreatment; Polish destruction of German property in Danzig; The invasion of Poland; Polish prisoners are interviewed about their views of Germany; The Germans distribute food to the Polish population; German troops get to know Jews in conquered Poland.

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