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Dr Patrick Phillips Reports from Brussels

1 year ago

Dr Trozzi in conversation with Dr Phillips shortly after he and a global team of experts left the European Parliament.

Dr Patrick Phillips is one of my absolute favourite physicians and Canadians. Since the launch of covid, many doctors have been led astray. As a result, unprecedented numbers of people have suffered and died; but Dr Phillips has maintained his head, heart, ethics, and scientific integrity; and saved many lives with truthful information.
Dr Phillips and a robust delegation of Canadians and other experts from around the world are currently in Brussels. They are there to strategize for our dignified survival, speak to the European Parliament, and hold a public press conference.
I am currently very occupied with other elements of the truth and freedom mission, and in the end, I was unable to travel to Brussels; however I was grateful to connect with Dr Phillips shortly after he left the European Parliament, and record this conversation.
We discussed the events in Brussels; our work to restore health care for Canadians; the ruthless weaponized colleges of physicians and surgeons' roles in the covid-crimes-against-humanity in Canada; our hopes and plans for justice; Canada's current National Citizens Inquiry hearings; some most recent revelations about the covid-bioweapon injections; more wicked plans from the global predators; spiritual insights to help us navigate these dystopian times; and more.

More information & related material: https://drtrozzi.org/2023/05/05/dr-patrick-phillips-reports-from-brussels/


  • 0/2000
  • God Bless You Doctors. 🙏Canada is not safe country anymore, health and education are destroyed and it is disgraceful that my tax $$ have been used for harming Canadians. 💔

  • Your report, and the unity and organization of the freedom movement, is indescribably important to the future of all of us, inside and outside of Canada. Your vital truths back up every move that the awake of the world are making to survive in spite of the obstacles.

  • God Bless you two and keep you safe - and all the other wonderful strong doctors standing in their truth and upholding their oath!!! Much love and gratitude XOXO

  • Terrific news 😒😩

  • Doctor Malone should be also in Brussels … a friend Italian doctor whose attending the conference too mentioned it to me … I did ask him to ask Malone to tell everything he knows about the mRNA experiments

  • I love you both ❤️

    1 like
  • Might, light and love to all who stand with truth and free living.

    1 like
  • He has to get his license reinstated .

  • Rishi shares in Moderna