Hendersonville City Council meeting on May 4, 2023

1 year ago

Once again I attended the Hendersonville City Council meeting on May 4. The room was packed with standing room only and people outside who could not get in. I felt excitement being with like minded people who want to protect Hendersonville from DEI or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Speakers from both sides spoke.
My excitement was also blended with a discusting feeling as I saw men dressed up as women and listening to their side speak. The DEI promoter speakers are such a sad bunch of people with serious mental issues.
Unfortunately, the Hendersonville Mayor and fellow board members are not interested in what the majority of Henderson county want for their local communities and their families.
WAKE UP and get involved to learn what we all can do to take back our county. We have got to vote these people out!
Most of my community would have been sickened to listen to the speeches from the DEI speakers. They would have wondered how in the world did things get this bad in our own county, and so fast.
On another note, my community would have been very proud to know we have some strong speakers standing up for us. Thank you Jeff, Corrine and Cher!

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