Rewilding the Pixies: Out with the Winter Garden and in with the Pixies Spring Potager

1 year ago

The idea of rewilding the Pixies, and really everyone in the Little House, came out of a desire to reconnect with the natural rhythms of the earth, to re learn the old wisdom lost through a pernicious push to modernize every corner of our lives and our propensity to anesthetize ourselves with technology. In a nutshell, we desired to shed the imitations for the authentic... While this isn't the beginning of our story, it's as good a place as any to begin to record our adventure. We decided for this year to exclusively grow our food and herbs organically, to experiment with old growing techniques and be intentional in our study of nature, and to learn what it means to be truly a family. So, while the Pixies contemplated the unfair advantage that Snow White had in being able to summon a following of diligent furry creatures to assist her in her work, (an advantage they clearly did not have despite many attempts to lure less than enthusiastic cats, scolding squirrels and skittish lizards into servitude.) we were stuck beginning our journey in small scale organic gardening, sans woodland creatures, and merely doing the work ourselves. However, even the Pixies agree at the end of the day, despite the exhaustion, it's surprising how satisfying getting a little dirt under your fingernails can be. We hope you will consider joining us in rewilding and starting where you are, even in just small ways.

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