Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed

1 year ago

Big Pharma’s crimes against humanity continues on

Thermography, or thermal imaging, can detect abnormal internal body temperatures. Allowing it to highlight areas of inflammation and poor blood circulation. It is the most effective non-invasive way of detecting DVT. Deep Vein Thrombosis. Otherwise known as Blood Clots.

Biologist, Felipe Reitz, in Brazil has his own line of Thermographic imaging equipment and began diagnosing his vaccinated patients who were injected with the Covid shots. What he found was extensive blood clotting throughout the entire vascular system in asymptomatic people who received the shot.

This image was taken of a 23-year-old athlete. The dark lines are blood clots. This 23 old got the shot but has no symptoms.

Felipe Reitz also conducted live blood analysis. And like we’ve been hearing from several other researchers, Reitz is reporting the presence of foreign structures taking shape in the blood of the vaccinated. And has shown how the blood cells clump together as a result of getting the shot.

Last week Doctor Richard Fleming posted a video of what happens when the genetic vaccines are added directly to human blood. After adding the Janssen vaccine to a healthy blood sample, the blood can be seen under magnification as it begins to clump and cluster together.

In studies performed by Natural News it was concluded that these so-called clots are almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood, yet shows significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Moderna, the company that price gouged their customers by 500 percent for the deadly shot, was given a 50 percent pay raise after cashing in 400 million dollars of stock.

The longer we go without justice, the more acceptable this becomes. Moderna is now investing in the future of mRNA.

Mirrored - Greg Reese

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