Until now,

1 year ago

the lazy losers of the world have always found some company or business to leech off of.
Some business to parasite a living from it.
Working JUST hard enough not to get fired.
Companies need a person for the job and most of the population are lazy losers - so lazy losers have jobs.
The good people, the gems, always end up doing more important tasks and rising to riches.
Most companies are around 5% killers who push the boundaries of what’s possible
and 95% lazy losers who just want enough money to smoke some weed, marry a 6 and play some video games.
That's all changing.
AI is actively replacing the lazy loser tasks, in real-time.
Most people who do those jobs, don't TRY anyway,
they don't use their true problem-solving ability ANYWAY.
AI can do it.
And the killers, hate working with the losers ANYWAY,
they'd rather it go to a robot who always gets the job done and never forgets shit.
In 5 years, most of you will be fucked.
Countries will need to give you money to eat,
because no one wants to hire a lazy loser when they can just have AI instead.
Companies will be run by 100% killers in the future.
I've always preached conquest,
I've always preached hard work.
The killers will ALWAYS be irreplaceable.
They're the men who MAKE things happen and make the world turn.
The wealth gap is about to get 100x worse.
And you losers deserve it
because most of you have no aspiration to become the best in the game.
For those who truly understand that you can have anything you want in life
as long as you care enough.
If you want to get rich, if you're willing to work to the bone to do so.
If you want to become a have, while everyone else is a have-not.
If you want to become a business owner who USES AI.
I will teach you,
AI is good news, not bad.
Lazy losers are a pain to work with.
My students are already learning how to replace them with AI.
Become a killer:
- Tate
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