Push up

1 year ago

Push-ups are a bodyweight exercise that primarily targets the chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles. They are performed by starting in a plank position with your hands placed shoulder-width apart on the ground, and then lowering your body towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping your body in a straight line, and then pushing yourself back up to the starting position.

Push-ups can be modified to target different muscle groups or to make them easier or more challenging. For example, wide-grip push-ups emphasize the chest muscles, while narrow-grip push-ups place more emphasis on the triceps. Push-ups can also be performed with knees on the ground to make them easier or with feet elevated to make them more challenging.

Push-ups are a popular exercise because they require no equipment and can be performed anywhere. They are also a great exercise for building upper body strength, improving posture, and increasing core stability. Additionally, push-ups can be part of a larger workout routine or used as a standalone exercise.

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